Page 22 of Tutor With Benefits
Cory is the last one to come forward, and I feel like I’m ready for him. My confidence is growing with each passing minute, and I do my best to remember what both Taylor and Zach said to me as Cory leans in for a kiss.
“Whoa there, slow down, eager beaver.” Cory laughs. “You don’t want to come at him like a zombie looking for brains. You want it to unfold naturally. For the most part, the guy is going to do the leading, you just have to know where to go as he does.”
He comes in for another try, and this time I stay where I am, but I tilt my head and close my eyes. I let him kiss me and do as Taylor instructed with my mouth, kissing him back. I don’t know why, but a slight moan escapes my lips.
At the same time, he pulls me closer to him and kisses me deeper. I’m not sure what to do, so I pull back again.
“Not bad, not bad at all,” Cory says with a grin. “You really are a natural.”
“You think so?” I ask.
“Yes,” the three say at the same time.
“But practice makes perfect,” Zach says. “We’ll do a few more rounds before we call it a night.”
“The same goes both ways,” I tell them. “You need to study.”
“Right.” Zach rolls his eyes, but I know he’s going to. They all are. They want to pass the class, and they desperately need the help.
But right now, I’m more than happy to settle into another practice session of making out with each of them. I had no idea it would be so easy, and the fact that they’re all so hot definitely helps. I can’t believe I didn’t realize it before, how hot they are, that is.
I’m starting to think that this tutoring idea isn’t such a bad idea at all.
I’m learning already.
And I’m actually enjoying myself, too.
“Come on, Jonsie! You see that net? The goal is to get that little black thinginthe net! Not behind it, not around it, IN it!” I clap my hands and yell at one of the players currently skating.
The B team has the ice right now, and I’m sitting with Zach and Cory watching them practice.
It doesn’t take much to boost our egos, but watching the guys who aren’t as good playing each other can be downright painful at times.
“Hey, Cory!” Zach calls out.
Zach is on one side of me, and Cory is on the other. There’s some space in between us, but Zach is yelling loud on purpose so the guys on the ice can hear. I get ready for him to say something hilarious, as I’m sure it’s going to be a dickhead thing to say.
But what good would we be sitting and watching the B team go if we didn’t give them our commentary? If they want to be part of the A team, they better step up their shit or it’s not going to happen. The way I see it, we’ve earned our right to sit here and make fun of the others.
Especially with our positions on the team. I am center, with Zach being right winger and Cory being left winger. When the three of us were together, we were a true force to be reckoned with.
Being in front of the defense positions, we were the three who made the most points during any given game, which meant we were integral when it came to whether we would win.
All three of us hold valuable positions on the team, and we all know it.
So, it’s one of my favorite things to do to sit on the bench and shout pointers and just plain talk shit to the others who are out on the ice.
And I’m taking full advantage of that.
“Cory!” Zach yells again.
“What?” Cory yells back.
“Just wondering how your shoulders are feeling over there, bud,” Zach shouts. “I’m sure you’ve got to be a little tired from carrying the weight of the team all season.”