Page 23 of Tutor With Benefits
The three of us laugh at Zach’s joke, and none of us mind the looks we get from the other guys on the team. There are other A-listers, and they’re doing the same thing we are, but they aren’t as blatant about it. Of course, we are the hotheads for the team, and we don’t mind being in the spotlight, no matter how we put ourselves there.
“If you’re so good, why are you guys looking at being benched the rest of the season?” Jonsie asks.
“Who told you that?” I reply.
“Your mom when she got done sucking my dick last night,” Jonsie says with a smirk.
“Fuck you!” I yell at him.
“Hey, Jonsie,” Zach calls out. “If you can get something as tiny as your dick into his mom’s mouth, why can’t you get that puck into the goal? That puck’s massive compared to your cock, and that net is huge!”
In response, Jonsie throws both his gloves to the ground and starts skating over to us.
Zach is on his feet in an instant, ready to throw down. He’s never one to back down from a fight, and he doesn’t care if it’s a fight with one of his own teammates. Zach has often said that he wouldn’t be on a team with these guys if it were the big leagues.
They’d be cut before they even got on the ice.
“Gentlemen! That’s not how a team is united. Put your gloves back on and get back to practice,” Coach Nickels calls out. “Cummings, get back on the bench!”
Coach isn’t on the ice, but he’s walking around in the bleachers keeping an eye on how the practice is going. There’s not a lot for him to add at this point, but he does have to make sure everyone is doing their part in the practice.
“This isn’t over,” Jonsie says in a tone low enough that the coach can’t hear it, but the three of us can.
“Bring it any time you want,” Zach says as he makes a motion with his fingers, inviting Jonsie forward. “I’m available any time, day or night. You know where to find me.”
“I’d rather take you on the ice where you aren’t going to go crying to the dean,” Jonsie spits, but Zach just laughs.
“Okay, if you want to let Coach watch you get your ass beat, that’s fine with me. Why don’t you make a move during a game, and we can have most of the school watch me hand you your ass on a silver platter.”
“Fuck you!” Jonsie shouts, but before Zach has the chance to say anything else, the coach once again yells at him to get back on the ice.
“If I’m not seeing you making progress in the next five minutes, you can kiss your position goodbye,” Coach yells. “I don’t mind having benchwarmers for the sake of warm bodies if need be, and I’m not seeing you putting in any effort that tells me you ought to be in the game!”
Jonsie knows better than to argue with Coach, and he gives Zach one more look before he skates back toward the others. Zach, of course, takes the chance to taunt him one more time by acting as though he’s crying, moving his fists under his eyes as though he’s wiping away the tears and sticking out his lower lip.
Cory and I laugh openly. It’s only adding to the humiliation Jonsie is feeling in the moment.
Once he turns his attention back to his practice, however, I turn to the other two.
“Does the whole fucking school know we’re fucked if we don’t bring up our grades?” I ask.
“Beats me,” Zach says with a shrug. “How the fuck did he find out anyway?”
“Fuck if I know,” I say. “I didn’t say anything to anyone.”
“We sure as hell know it wasn’t Tori,” Cory says.
We sit in silence for a moment.
“Unless, of course, she told Anna,” Zach says. “She did say that she and Anna talked about everything. I’m not seeing that changing much with Anna moving out of the place if Tori meant it when she said Anna was her only friend.”
“Fuck me!” I say. “I didn’t exactly want to have the entire school knowing I suck at chemistry.”
“Better than sucking dick,” Cory says.
I glare at him.
“He’s right,” Zach says. “And anyway, who cares? It’s not like there’s anyone in school who’s rocking everything.” I give him a look, and he shrugs. “Tori wasn’t even that great at kissing at first, you do have to admit that.”