Page 24 of Tutor With Benefits
“I guess,” I say after I think for a moment.
“God, I was hoping by the time I got to her you two would have had her up to par, but you saw what I had to do. The only reason I said that she was good was because you two did,” Cory chimes in.
“Listen to this guy bitching when I’m the one who went in there first,” Zach says. “You know how awful it always is the first time someone kisses. It was like kissing a mannequin or something.”
“Or your grandmother,” I laugh.
“Gross!” Cory makes a gagging sound. “Don’t you ever compare teaching Tori how to make out to making out with anyone’s grandma! That’s just sick.”
“Well, you know what I mean. I had a feeling she’d know the basics at least, but when we started out, it was like fuck, has this girl ever seen a movie? It’s not that hard,” I say with a shrug.
“I wish we didn’t have to start with things like that,” Zach says.
“What?” Cory and I respond at the same time. “What the fuck do you think we should start with?”
“I don’t know, I’m just saying that it would be nice to start with the actual good shit. You know, the deed,” Zach says.
“For the love of God, now you’re just talking about sex,” Cory replies as he shakes his head. “First you’re the one who walks up to her and tells her she’s going to have to have sex with us, now you’re saying you want to skip the kissing and get right in bed?”
“As if you don’t,” Zach retorts.
“I think we all do,” I say. “But you know guys, I’m going to be honest. I’m a bit surprised.”
“About?” Zach asks. “Don’t tell me that was your first time kissing a girl, or I’m really going to puke.”
“Fuck off,” I tell him. “No, what I was going to say is that I’m surprised at how hot she is. Like, I didn’t ever realize it before, but when I was right up against her like that, damn, she’s really good-looking.”
“Definitely thinking the same thing,” Zach says. “Like, sure she wasn’t the greatest at kissing, but I have to admit when I got right up against her like that, I really wasn’t minding the fact we signed up for this shit.”
“And to her credit, she’s picking up on things pretty fast,” Cory says. “She might not have been right up there with the best girls I’ve kissed last night, but I do have to hand it to her, for someone who hasn’t ever kissed anyone before, she really was doing a good job.”
“Practice makes perfect,” Zach replies. “And with someone like her, I’m down to practice whenever she wants.”
We all laugh and agree.
“When do you think we should take the next step?” I ask.
“I’ve been wondering if she’s going to be the one to bring it up, really,” Cory says. “Or if we should let her be the one to tell us when she’s ready for that. I don’t know, there’s still something that tells me we need to be careful with this.”
“You worry too much,” Zach says. “Girls go crazy when guys tell them what to do. Not in that creepy control freak kind of way, but you know, that’s why some girls get off on calling guys daddy and shit.”
“That’s fair,” I agree with a nod.
“He has a point,” Cory says. “But I don’t know. I don’t want her to call me daddy.”
“You’re not anyone’s daddy,” Zach smirks.
“And I don’t ever plan to be, either!” Cory shoots back.
“Then wrap it up,” Zach says. “Fuck, I don’t know. This isn’t biology.”
“Come on, guys, stay on subject,” I tell them. “I’m just glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks she’s actually pretty hot. Like, I wanted to go through with this for the sake of getting our grades up, but I don’t feel like we’re coming out behind with being the ones to teach her a few things in the bedroom.”
“With how eager she is to learn, I bet you anything she’s going to be amazing when we take this shit to the next level,” Zach says. “I can see it now. All we have to do is tell her how or why we like things a certain way, and she’s going to do it. It’s really like a dream come true, I have to admit. One of the better ideas you’ve had in your life, Taylor.”
“Thanks,” I say.
“I just hope this all comes together in the end,” Cory says. “I don’t want to be benched the rest of the season, and I’m pissed the word’s gotten out somehow.”