Page 29 of Tutor With Benefits
“Why? You tired of having to be the gentleman?” Zach teases.
“I’m tired of kissing and knowing it’s not going to lead to anything,” Cory replies. “You’re the one who got to eat her out, and me and Tay just got to kiss her. How fair is that?”
“Listen to the one who was all worried about what we’re doing here wanting to be the one to take it to the next level!” Zach says. “I thought you were all worried about letting her be the one to let us know when she’s ready to move on?”
“But then you said that she had to be ready for the next part of the curriculum when we saw her again,” I reply. “I don’t know about you, Taylor, but I don’t remember going over any definitive curriculum?”
“Nope,” Taylor says.
“I just went for it when I went down on her,” Zach tells us. “She was clearly having a moment, and it was the only thing I could think to do in the moment that would get her to calm down. And clearly, it worked.”
“Clearly,” I say as I roll my eyes.
“Oh come on, you know we’re going to move on this time, so just get over yourself. If it makes you feel better, why don’t you be the one to take the lead tonight?” Zach asks.
“Because you’re the one who’s always all over her,” I tell him. “It’s like as soon as we get done with the books, you’re up and on her like flies on shit.”
“Hey, I can’t help it that she’s a good kisser. Or hot, for that matter. If you want to take charge, then be my guest. It’s not like I’m stopping you,” Zach says.
Taylor cuts into the argument. “Will you two cut it out? You sound worse than a couple teenage girls yourself with your bickering. Just go with the flow and see how things unfold, that’s the way I do it.”
I have a smart-ass comment to shoot back at him, but don’t have time because we’ve arrived at Tori’s dorm.
Zach knocks, and she pulls the door open, this time with a bright smile on her face that surprises all three of us. Not to mention that instead of her usual sweat suit attire, today she’s wearing a skirt that is far shorter than anything I have ever seen her in before, and the t-shirt she’s opted for reveals curves that I’ve also never noticed.
I’m not sure if the other two are thinking the same thing, but I do know I’m going to be the one making the first move on her this afternoon. Zach can wait his turn, just like Taylor and I did during the last session. And the session before that, for that matter.
“Look at you,” Taylor says when we walk into the dorm. “I didn’t know you had clothes like that.”
“And I’m wondering why this is the first time we’ve gotten to see them,” Zach chimes in.
“Do you like it?” Tori asks, doing a cute little spin to make the skirt flare out.
“Yes,” we all say at the same time.
She blushes. “I don’t know. It’s just something I packed but never really found reason to wear. I guess if I look cute, I might as well put it on more.”
“You look more than cute,” Zach says. “Like, I think I speak for all three of us when I say I’d love to bend you over your desk and fuck you senseless right now.”
I give him a look that’s silently warning him not to do it, but once again Tori surprises the three of us with a giggle.
“That good, huh?” she asks. “Maybe I should have asked you guys for help a lot sooner.”
“I could say the same with the chemistry situation,” I say. “It would be nice not to have to keep dealing with this.”
“But you guys are doing good enough that I figured we could skip your lesson today and just kind of hang out and do the other tutoring, if you don’t mind,” Tori says.
We all exchange a look, then look back at her.
“Are you feeling okay?” Zach asks.
“Never better, why?” she replies.
“The bookworm wants to skip class and just get down and dirty,” he says. “Never thought I would see the day when that would be a thing.”
She flushes and laughs. “I guess I just never knew how good it felt to have an orgasm before. I’m still riding high from it, and I want to know what it feels like to keep going.”
“This is like a total change from the girl we saw just a few days ago,” I comment. “Are you sure you didn’t get into some edibles or booze or something?”