Page 30 of Tutor With Benefits
“No,” she says. “It’s just that, I don’t know. I just felt so good after you three left, and I realized how careful you’re being with this and showing me what to do. And I don’t have to worry about being dumb or messing it up with you guys because you’re helping me. That makes me feel, I don’t know, like I can trust you to help me do this and not hurt me in the process.”
“Well that was the goal, isn’t it?” Zach asks. “Thank God we’re doing our part of this the right way. Let’s just hope that when we get down to finding out our chemistry grades that this is an arrangement that works out both ways, right?”
“I did say that we could skip today, so that’s how good I’m feeling about you three knowing what you need to,” Tori says. “It’s not like you’re going to have to study to figure out the right answers to spit back out, but more like you’re going to have to know the formulas to use and apply them.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Zach says. “Here’s hoping we’ve got that down well enough.”
“It’s just science and math and stuff,” Tori says.
“I guess you could say the same when it comes to dating,” I say.
“What do you mean?” she asks.
“If you do the math on how much effort you put into it, and how much effort he gives back, and whether you feel that his effort matches what you are putting forward, then you can take the next step and see where it goes from there. When it’s just so natural between the two of you that you don’t feel like there’s any kind of pressure or that you have to really try, that’s chemistry,” I say.
“Wow, listen to little Einstein over here,” Zach says.
I give him a look.
“So are we going to do this or what?” Tori asks.
“Yes,” I say. I take a step forward and make a move to kiss her, and she automatically closes her eyes and tilts her head to the side.
“Would you look at that?”
Both Taylor and Zach clap and comment on how naturally Tori moved in for the kiss, and she blushes and pulls away.
“Thanks,” she says.
“But we’re not just stopping at kissing today,” I tell her. “It’s time to take it to the next level. Making out.”
She opens her eyes a little wider, and I pull her back toward me. This time, when our lips meet, I kiss her with more passion, deepening the kiss and slipping my tongue into her mouth, teasing her with my tongue and causing her to moan.
“I don’t know what it is with you doing that,” she says as she pulls back from me and looks up into my eyes. “You give me the chills every time you do that thing with your tongue.”
“What thing?” I smirk, pulling her in and doing the same thing as before.
She smiles, pulling back again. “That thing.”
“Alright, alright, I don’t want this to go to his head,” Zach says as he cuts in. “Let me show you how it’s done.”
I roll my eyes as he kisses her, and he includes wrapping his arms around her, pulling her even tighter to him than I did. He’s got his leg planted firmly on the ground, guiding her to sit over the top of his thigh as he’s continuing to make out with her.
He shows her how to grind against his leg as they kiss, and she gasps as she comes up for air.
“Oh my god, you mean this is the sort of thing everyone’s been doing all this time? I can’t believe I’ve been missing out!” Tori says.
Taylor laughs. “Probably not everyone, but anyone who knows what they’re doing.”
Zach lets go of Tori, and Taylor steps in, kissing her just as deeply. But he doesn’t just have her grind on his leg like Zach did, he also moves his hands over her as he kisses her.
“Should I be doing something with my tongue?” Tori asks as she pulls away. “I don’t know and I don’t want to just stand here if I’m supposed to be doing something with mine, too.”
“Move like you’re feeling us do,” I tell her. “Just concentrate on doing the same thing, that’s all.”
“It’s the sort of thing you’ll get better at with practice,” Zach says. “Just like the rest of this, practice makes perfect. You can’t expect to be perfect just getting started. And don’t stress yourself out with thinking you ought to be doing things a certain way.”