Page 43 of Tutor With Benefits
“Guess it paid off for you this time,” Zach says with a wink that causes Tori to blush all over again.
“She’s not the only one that benefited from that,” I say. “Can you imagine where we would be if we were stuck with some guy for a tutor?”
“Like I said in the beginning, there’s no way in hell I would have asked another guy for help. I would happily have sat out the rest of the season before I did that,” Taylor announces.
“God, I don’t know if I would have done it happily, but I’m right there with you. I don’t think I could have put up with some guy being the one who tried to get this through our heads,” Zach says.
“I’m just glad that we can make this a mutually beneficial situation,” I add to the conversation. “We’re not the only ones who are getting what we want out of this. And I’m glad for that. I would even feel a little bad if I was just giving you some money to deal with our dumb asses the way you have. I think what we’re doing is a much better scenario.”
“Just as long as it gets me what I want in the end,” Tori says with a sigh. “I still worry that I’m going to try to get Johnny’s attention, and he’s going to turn me down. Or worse, what if I go through all this change and try to be what I think would be good for him, only to have him ignore me? I think I would rather hear from him that he’s not interested in me at all rather than find out he was ignoring me altogether, if that makes sense.”
“Rejection is a bitch,” Zach says with a nod. “Even if it’s the kind of rejection that you get by someone ignoring your existence.”
“Exactly,” Tori agrees. “Like, I feel like if I don’t at least hear him say the words he’s not interested in me, then I’m forever going to be hoping. Like, just pining after the chance there could be something between us.”
“I hope you’d give up on him sooner rather than later if you put in the effort to get his attention and the guy ignores you,” Taylor tells her. “Just saying. The guy isn’t worth that much of your time.”
“I don’t know, he just seems so perfect to me, I don’t know if I could just go on and not give him another thought. Am I lame?” she asks.
I want to tell her kind of, but I hold my tongue as she starts to get up and then cries out.
“What’s wrong?” Zach asks, clearly concerned with her reaction.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “I had no idea I was so sore until I tried to stand up. Is this normal?”
I laugh. “I can’t say what isn’t normal, but I can only imagine that it’s normal to feel sore after you give three guys your virginity at the same time!”
“That’s true,” she says with a smile and another blush. “I just didn’t expect to be this sore, that’s all.”
“It’s alright,” I tell her. “Do you really have to get up? I mean, why not just chill out on the couch and let us do the work for you? How often do you get to have breakfast made for you and served right where you are? It’s not breakfast in bed, but it’s damn close.”
“I have to agree with that one,” she says. “Worth it.”
“Amen to that,” Zach says.
Taylor and I both audibly agree. Last night really was one of the hottest nights I have ever had, and I already want to enjoy her again. But I know she has to heal, and so do Taylor and Zach. We’re not selfish, and we’re going to insist she take the day to heal if she has to. There’s no rush.
“So I would say you’re in the clear to start your seduction with Johnny,” Zach says. “Tomorrow can be day one of this endeavor.”
“You think so?” she asks with a bright smile.
“Why not? You have the clothes, you have the hair, you’ve got the makeup techniques, and now he can’t even whine about you being a virgin. You’ve been with three guys, so what else could he want?” Zach asks.
“That makes me both incredibly excited and incredibly nervous at the same time,” she says with a nervous chuckle. “I hope I don’t fuck it up.”
“Just remember to be yourself. Take into account all that you’ve learned with us so far, and go from there. There’s no reason for you to be nervous.”
“That’s fair,” she says. “Ugh, I don’t want to move!”
“So don’t,” I tell her as I bring her a sandwich. “Just chill here for the day and you can go home tonight.”
“That’s what you all said last night,” she replies.
I wink at her, and she just shakes her head with a smirk.
“Anyway, you’re going to need more practice with sex,” Taylor says. “But that’s no reason why you can’t start out with your seduction. In fact, having your mind and time occupied with other things might be helpful for you in the long run, so you’re not just pining after him to pay you attention.”
“Good point,” I tell him. “With the three of us to hang out with, you can just go at your own pace with him.”