Page 44 of Tutor With Benefits
“It does take off a lot of pressure,” she admits with a sigh. “I really do appreciate all that you guys are doing for me here. It means a lot, believe me.”
“Glad to do it,” I assure her.
And I know both Zach and Taylor agree.
It doesn’t take us long to convince her to spend the day with us, and we help her remain comfortable throughout. We even go so far as to draw her a bath and help her into the tub, then reject her advances to have sex after the fact.
“You have to take it easy,” Taylor tells her. “You don’t want to hurt yourself by being a little nympho.”
“Okay, okay,” she says. “But I do want to have sex again.”
“We all do,” I laugh. “And we will, soon. But you’ve got other things to do with your night, so we better get you home.”
The four of us leave together to take her back to her dorm, and when she walks away from the car, I have to admit, I wish there was a way we could get her to just move in with us. But, that wouldn’t be the best thing in the world if she really wants to get Johnny’s attention.
Then again, I’m sure Taylor and Zach are right there with me when I think I would be pretty alright with the idea of her not getting his attention after all.
It would be pretty nice to keep this arrangement going for the long term.
If not forever.
Iwalk into school with my head held high.
I’m wearing the short skirt I’ve worn a couple times, the one the guys love, but I’ve spiced things up even more by adding a tight blouse that’s unbuttoned at the top. Only the top two buttons are left undone, but those are enough for me to expose cleavage.
I’ve also added heels to my look. They’re a pair I got from Anna before she left, and I know she would be thrilled to hear I’m actually wearing them for once.
I didn’t stop there, however.
My hair is down over my shoulders in loose waves. I’ve put in the products in that the stylist from the salon recommended to me, and I’ve done my makeup the best I can considering how little practice I have. Thankfully, since I’ve never worn makeup before, it didn’t take much for me to look like I really went above and beyond this morning, so I feel like I’m walking the red carpet as I go through the halls.
I’m catching eyes all over the school, too.
I can tell from the surprised looks I’m getting that many of the guys who are seeing me aren’t sure whether they’ve seen me before, or if I’m someone new. Then there are those who are looking at me as though this is the first time they have really taken a moment to look at me, and I’m thrilled with that, too.
I feel so confident, I’m practically strutting by the time I make it to English class.
Zach is already there, seated and looking just as bored as he always does.
“Look at you,” he says with a grin as I sit in front of him. “When did you move to town? Where you from? You seeing someone? I know a great guy who’s a good time if you’re interested.”
“Oh?” I ask with a smirk. “You know, I’ve been around for a minute, but I’m the kind of girl who’s always looking for a good time if you know of one. Give me his number, why don’t you?”
“Ooo nice, I like it,” Zach says. “Way to play the field.”
“Yeah?” I ask. “I wasn’t sure if it would be a turnoff for me to take other numbers or not with me wanting Johnny’s attention.”
There are other students who are coming into class and sitting around the room, but Johnny isn’t here yet, and I’m talking in a low tone so no one who comes in can hear me. Not that anyone really cares about the other conversations taking place around school anyway. Kids are always talking to each other.
That’s nothing unusual.
But I still keep my voice down. I know I’m putting myself out there as the new me today, but I’m still feeling a bit nervous.
“Competition is a good thing,” Zach says. “You don’t want to be the girl no one wants. If you were, then why would anyone want you?”