Page 69 of Tutor With Benefits
“Same,” I join in. “You really don’t realize just how much you get from being inside and cut off from the outside world until you get to spend a few days not worrying about anything else going on outside of these four walls.”
“It makes me think that my life is really a lot more complicated than I want it to be,” Tori says. “Like, if things are so good and simple here, then why am I doing half the shit I’m doing out there? When things could be so nice and calm, I don’t know. I think I need to go through my schedule and figure some shit out.”
“Might not be a bad idea,” I say. “You could free up more of your time to hang out with us. You know you can come anytime you want.”
“In more ways than one.” Zach winks, and she blushes.
“I don’t know if I could physically handle another orgasm right now,” she says. “Like, is it possible for the human body to die from too much sex? I don’t know if that’s a thing, but it makes me wonder after how this weekend has gone.”
“You were complaining about being sore yesterday morning, then you were insisting we do it again and again, and then again this morning.” Zach laughs. “If anyone is going to die from too much sex, that’s you killing yourself, I hope you know.”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t going to be my fault!” she replied. “I’m just saying.”
“If I died from having too much sex, I would die a very happy man,” I announce. The rest of the group agrees. But then, it wasn’t as though this weekend was all about the sex by any means.
Sure, there was an awful lot of sex, but we engaged in sex because of the way the weekend went. It was an expression of the love and connection we feel toward each other.
It’s nearly noon, and Cory sighs.
“Well, I guess we better get this done with if we’re going to have time to get anything else done before tomorrow,” he says.
“Fuck, I really don’t want to,” I say.
“None of us want to,” Tori replies. “But I do have to get some studying done for that test we’ve got coming up.”
“Shit, the one in English, huh?” Zach asks.
“Bingo,” she says. “That’s the one. Are you ready for it?”
“As ready as I need to be,” he replies. “English isn’t hard for me. I don’t have to do much but look over the past couple chapters for a refresher beforehand. It’s not like chemistry or history.”
“That’s fair,” she says. “Somehow, I’m a lot better with chemistry than I am with English, but I guess you can’t be good at everything, right?”
“Or can you?” I ask with a wink. “Seems like you pick up on things pretty fast if you ask me.”
“Oh stop,” she says. “When you have three hunks teaching you how to do things, I’m pretty sure anyone is bound to become the best in the world. Not to say that I’m that good even. I just kind of go with what feels good in the moment.”
“And it’s that level of confidence that makes all the difference, I’m telling you,” Zach says. “If you just lay there like a dead fish, it would be an entirely different story than what we’re doing now, trust me.”
“I’ll have to take your word for it,” she says. “But then, I can’t imagine having sex with someone who just lays there like a dead fish.”
“I can,” I say.
“Same, sadly,” Cory says.
“Three’s a crowd,” Zach adds in. “You might be surprised to find just how many people think they’re really good at sex when all they do is kind of just lay there and don’t do anything. I can’t help but wonder if like, they’re okay, you know?”
Tori laughs. “I hope I don’t find out. I would like to imagine that my sex life will always be as hot and spicy as it is right now.”
“Seems like you’re doing something right if you’re experiencing such a satisfying sex life so early on in your career,” I say.
“Again, I can’t take the credit for it. You’re the ones who taught me all I know. That’s all I’ve got for you.”
“That’s fair,” Cory says. “But again, it does take two to tango.”
“Fuck, then what are the four of us doing? The cha cha?” Zach asks.
We all laugh, but it’s time for us to get going with our day. As much as we all want to just spend the day hanging out with each other in our living room, we know that we have to get shit done. It’s time to get Tori back to her dorm so she can get her studying done, and I know I have to do shit like laundry and clean up my room after the wild weekend we had.