Page 70 of Tutor With Benefits
The other guys are going to have to get their laundry done, too, and since none of us did any the day before, that means we’re all going to have to take turns with the washer today. Not that it’s that big of a deal, but still. I know the sooner we get it done, the better.
As usual, the four of us pile into the car to take her home. Having one car to share hasn’t ever been an issue for us, but it does make us all want to go to drop Tori back at her place. None of us want to see her go, so having all of us leave together makes it that much easier.
We maintain the conversation easily as we head to her dorm, then we all linger in the car for a few minutes saying goodbye.
“God, I don’t want to go inside,” Tori says.
“So don’t,” I tell her. “You can come back with us. Just go grab a change of clothes so you have something to wear to school tomorrow, and you don’t have to leave yet.”
“No, I do,” she says with a sigh. “I have to get that studying done, and if I just come back with you guys, I know the only thing I’m going to want to study is anatomy.”
“You say that as though there’s something wrong with it,” Zach says with a teasing smirk.
“Who says there’s anything wrong with it?” she asks with a grin that makes me want to kiss her passionately right there. But we don’t have the time for that. If she starts making out with one of us, then of course she’s going to kiss all three of us, and that’s going to lead to more and more until we’re not going to have any hope of leaving her here.
Not that I would mind engaging in another round of lovemaking with her, but we know we can’t. There does come a point when we have to get back to our real lives, and that’s what we have to do now.
“I’ll text you,” Tori says on her way out the car door. She’s not speaking to any of us in particular, which translates to talking to all of us. Of course, with the group chat we’ve had going for a while, it’s easy for her to text all of us at the same time, and none of us feels left out of the conversation.
Once we watch Tori head safely inside her dorm, Zach pulls the car away from the curb and points us back in the direction of our apartment.
“What a weekend,” I say.
“That was wild,” Zach agrees. “I didn’t think we were going to get that insane.”
“I didn’t, either,” Cory replies. “When she said she was going to spend the weekend with us, I figured we might have a couple of sex sessions, but for the most part I figured she was going to be too sore to want to do too much with us, but she was a little nymphomaniac.”
“That’s one way to put it,” I laugh. “It’s like she wasn’t able to get enough of us.”
“That says she hasn’t had sex with Johnny, I’d stake my life on that,” Zach says.
“We could have asked her,” I say.
“I didn’t want to,” Zach replies. “I feel like assuming that she hasn’t is a lot better than knowing that she has. I mean, I don’t want to have that image in my brain. But seeing how horny she was over the weekend, I bet she hasn’t gotten to that point. Not to mention she didn’t say anything about sex with him, and I would think that she would have if they were fucking.”
“She did say she told him they were on a break, though, so that means that they must have been on route to doing the deed if they hadn’t yet,” I suggest. “Otherwise, I don’t think she would have put it out there that they weren’t together.”
“I think she was making sure she would be able to have her fun with us and not have to worry about it being cheating or anything like that with him,” Cory says.
“But that’s if he finds out about her spending the weekend with us,” Zach says. “Who says she’s even going to tell him about it? When I overheard her talking to him on Friday, she didn’t tell him what she would be doing with her weekend, just that she couldn’t go with him on the yacht because she was busy.”
“But did she make it sound like she was going to be home?” I ask. “You know how women are, they can really word things so they sound a certain way, then they can play them another way if it’s convenient. I don’t know how she’s standing with her feelings toward Johnny right now.”
“Come on, it’s obvious, right?” Zach asks. “Why would she blow him off and come spend the weekend with us after we told each other that we love each other if she still has interest in him? That would make no sense at all.”
“That’s how I’m taking this,” I say. “I don’t think she wants to be with him. If she did, then she would have gone with him on the boat with his parents. Instead, she wanted to be with us, and she wanted to have as much sex as possible with us when she did. It only makes sense that she’s made up her mind, and that we are the winners. Sorry, Johnny, you had your shot, and you just didn’t live up to it.”
“I don’t know, guys,” Cory says. “As much as I want to agree with you on this one and just roll with her being with us now, like officially, I’m afraid to throw that label on it without talking to her first. I don’t want to get hurt. This last week sucked ass seeing her hanging off Johnny. What the fuck are we going to do if she’s not really over him and was just blowing off steam this past weekend?”
“That was a fuck ton of steam if that’s what she was doing,” Zach laughs. “I just don’t see Tori as being that kind of girl. She overthinks way too much to just do something like that without making sure we’re all on the same page.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” I agree.
Cory nods. He doesn’t say anything, but I feel like he agrees that she wouldn’t do something like that to us. It’s just not in her nature. And that’s perfectly fine with the three of us.
I feel a sense of peace sweep over me.
It’s like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and I can finally breathe again.