Page 14 of High Value Target
Her mouth dropped open. “It was all in fun. She said she just wanted to slip away for some air. I was supposed to distract you.”
“This isn’t a game.” He stepped around her, heading to a set of double doors leading to the back patio.
“I’m sorry,” Kiley called after him. “Try the garden. Or the stables.”
He searched the rose garden behind the house first, but he didn’t see any sign of her. There was a brick path leading toward the stables set fifty yards back from the main house. Three lamp posts provided dim lighting along the way. He didn’t see Tinsley, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t already be out there. He heard a horse snort and whinny and jogged that way.
As he got closer, one of the rolling doors was ajar just enough for a person to slip through. He did so without a sound. Carrying a gun under his jacket, his hand automatically slid to it now, resting lightly on the butt. The interior was dimly lit, but he saw the glittering gold dress at the end of the aisle and breathed an internal sigh of relief.
She stood stroking the forelock of a big black horse. His footsteps carried to her, and she glanced over her shoulder, eyes locking with his. “You again.”
“It’s my job.”
“I wanted to be alone.”
“Then today is not your day. Tomorrow isn’t looking good either.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure I’m safe here.”
“Are you?”
She studied his face. “You don’t think so?”
“As long as I’m here, you are. This your horse?”
“Pharaoh. Yes. He’s a prized jumper.”
Grady stroked his neck. “I don’t know anything about jumpers, but he’s a big animal, isn’t he?”
“That he is. He stands sixteen hands. He’s a thoroughbred. He used to race.”
“Your family is into racing?”
“No. I actually adopted Pharaoh from a thoroughbred rescue charity. I gave him a second life as a jumper.”
“And a little thing like you rides this big beast?”
“Little thing like me?”
“Sorry, ma’am. Didn’t mean any disrespect.”
She scratched under Pharaoh’s jaw. “He’s my baby, and I’ve missed him so.” She turned to confront him. “Why did my father hire you?”
“Ask your father.”
“I’m asking you. He won’t tell me much.”
“Well, maybe there’s a reason for that.”
“How can I protect myself if I don’t know the threat?”
He agreed with her on that and sighed.
She crossed her arms. “Spill.”
He told her what he knew, everything he’d been briefed on. And added today’s latest development. “Your father received a threatening letter. It was vague. Just promised violence and that he’d be sorry.”
Grady studied Tinsley. Her eyes were glazed. It did not surprise him, considering how many times he’s seen her drink refreshed.