Page 15 of High Value Target
She leaned toward him, her hands settling on his dress shirt. “You’ll protect me, though, won’t you?”
Grady studied her, confused by her sudden one-eighty. But then he supposed the alcohol was responsible.
Her palms slid upward to his neck and she pulled him down until his mouth met hers. Her lips were soft, and he couldn’t resist his tongue slipping inside for a taste of her tempting mouth. Sweet and lemony, like the drinks she’d been downing all night. It reminded him of her vulnerability. The kiss was exploratory and promised so much more, like first kisses do, but he knew he had to stop. It was wrong on so many levels. He put her at arm’s length. “I think you’ve had quite a bit to drink tonight, ma’am.”
“I think I’ve had just enough.”
“Don’t you have a fiancé, Miss Wyatt?”
That threw cold water on her response. She pulled back. “There’s no ring on my finger.” She shrugged. “I’m beholden to no one.”
“Right. Don’t try your wiles on me. I’m sure you’ve used them to get your way your whole life. But they won’t work this time.”
“We’ll see.” She turned, then paused. “Maybe one of the other bodyguards will be more receptive.”
He grabbed her upper arm and spun her around. “You try these games with any of them and I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” She arched her brow. “Turn me over your knee?”
“First good idea you’ve had.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” She pushed his hand off her.
“Try me.” He took a threatening step toward her, and she took a step back.
“You should return to your party, Miss Wyatt. You have guests, remember?”
She strode down the aisle, her heels clicking loudly.
Once she was through the door, Grady heard a low whistle and whirled.
Perry Pace leaned against a post at the end of the aisle, blowing smoke toward the rafters. “She sure is a handful, isn’t she?”
“You really shouldn’t be smoking in here, Mr. Pace.”
“You’re quite right. E-cigarette.” He held it up. “No harm. Right?”
Grady didn’t have time to question Perry about why he was in the stables. He had to go after Tinsley, and so he headed back to the party. If he had anything to say about it, she wouldn’t be served another drink. Perhaps he’d have a chat with her father, make sure she was escorted to her suite for the night before she did something foolish.
Later that evening, he was not pleased to find out the Pace brothers would be staying in the guest rooms on the lower level. But the expression on Palmer’s face when he discovered Grady had been given the room adjacent to Tinsley made up for it.
Grady got up at sunrise, an old habit from his days in the service. He dressed and went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. A short, heavyset maid greeted him with a warm smile. “Coffee, señor?”
“Si. It smells wonderful.”
She winked. “That’s Maria’s secret ingredient.”
“What’s that?”
“A pinch of cinnamon in the grounds. Takes the bitterness away.” She snapped her fingers. “I’ll get you a cup.”
He leaned against the counter. “Have you worked here long?”
“Since Miss Tinsley was a baby.” She passed him a cup and saucer, the rich aroma rising from the steaming liquid.
“Has she come down yet?” He took a sip from the fine porcelain and set it in the matching saucer.