Page 16 of High Value Target
“No. She’s not in her room either. I just checked.”
A shiver of panic shot up his spine, and he set the coffee aside with a rattle of China. “Where is she?”
Maria picked up a towel and wiped the counter, shrugging. “She’s usually with that big horse of hers.”
“Thanks.” He left the coffee and stalked out the door.
“Señor, your coffee.” But he was already gone.
Grady jogged down the path to the stable. It was quiet inside, and Pharaoh’s stall was empty. He walked through to the open doors on the opposite side and found Tinsley out in a corral. On second observation, he realized it was more of a practice ring, set up with small jumps.
He watched as she sat atop the big horse, in perfect English riding gear, trotting the horse around the ring. She didn’t see him, and it gave him a moment to study her dedication.
She clenched the reins in her white knuckled grip, and he couldn’t help but conclude how much like a tightly wound spring she was, always striving to be perfect. He supposed her parents demanded no less.
But he was still pissed she’d eluded him. If he’d found her gone himself without the information Maria had given him, he would have been turning the estate upside down to find her. It’s hard to protect someone who avoids their protection assignment. He realized that protecting this spoiled little rich girl was going to be difficult, to say the least. He wasn’t about to let that behavior start. Best to squash it now.
“Get over here,” he barked, causing her head to whip around.
She moved the reins toward his position, and Pharaoh obediently trotted over.
Her eyes drift over him. “I was going to give you a nasty look, but I see you already have one. What’s the bug up your ass so early in the morning?”
“I can’t protect you if I don’t know where the fuck you are, Miss. Wyatt.”
“Such language.” She made a tsk-tsking sound, then nudged Pharaoh closer and leaned down. “Let’s get this clear, Mr. Steele. I don’t take orders from you.”
“Oh, really?”
“Really. You’re nothing but hired help.” She gave him a smirk, eyeing him up and down, then jerked the reins to trot away.
“That first step off your high horse is gonna be a bitch, honey. Tuck and roll.” Grady turned to walk away when a large thud had him spinning around and dashing to the rails.
Tinsley lay on her back in the dirt.
Grady vaulted over the top rail and moved to run to her, but she held up a hand.
“Don’t you dare. I’m fine. You think this is the first time I’ve fallen off a horse? I don’t need your help.”
He started laughing.
“Shut up.”
“Sweetie, I’m not laughing at your bad luck. I’m merely cheering on Karma for doing such a great job of biting you in the ass.”
She flipped him off. “Fuck you.”
“Oh, you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” He laughed again and turned to walk away.
“Someone seriously needs to shove a rainbow up your ass.” She called after him.
“Pot, kettle, darlin’,” he replied without a glance.
“I’ve got a sparkling personality.”
He finally turned and walked backward. “Yeah, right. Couldn’t prove it by me.”
“That’s just your effect on me.” She pulled herself in the saddle in one fluid motion that impressed the hell out of him. He watched her ride away, her bottom bouncing in the saddle.