Page 134 of Hunter's Revenge
She crept inside me and breathed new life into the remnants of my soul, allowing the man inside to taste humanity.
Now I fear what I know will happen when we stop. I fear I’ll never have her again like this.
Those thoughts only drive me to take even more. My fingers dig into her ass cheeks, and I pound up into her body. We both groan in wild ecstasy, uncaring of who might hear us.
I pay my people enough to stay the fuck away when I need them to, so no one should disturb us. If they hear us, it’s pretty clear what we’re out here doing.
When Gwen climaxes, she digs her fingers into my shoulders, and we kiss. I come, too, sharing the release.
I kiss her ear and tell her in Russian that she’s beautiful and I want to feast on her forever. Words I’d never utter so she’d understand.
“What did you say?” she whispers over my skin.
“You’re beautiful.” I leave out the rest of it.
“Sounded like you said more than that.” She giggles.
“I did, but you’ve had enough of my secrets for one night.”
“No.” She runs her fingers through my hair. “I want more.”
“Okay, then this one’s easy. I want more, too.”
We kiss again, and that fuels another session. Eventually, we end up in the bed again, but now we’re lying next to each other, gazing at the stars through the window.
Her back is pressed to my chest, and we’re cocooned in the still silence of the breath between night and day.
I’m lying here with her acting as if this is our life and I don’t have a care in the world besides pleasing my wife.
Nothing is further from the truth. Mexico was a success, but only for now. The heads of the cartels in the Navarros’ alliance only folded and signed their allegiance to me because they had to.
No one had the time to prepare a counterattack to my vengeance, so they essentially had to sign on the dotted line if they wanted to live. The only thing left to do now is to implement the strategies of my leadership and roll it out. My duty to the Knights must come first, especially since I take care of the defense system for our entire organization. That means I have to delegate but also make sure I show my presence.
Zakh and I were only in Mexico for so long because there was a lot to do and a lot of people to speak to. We were also keeping tabs on the men and making sure everything was under control. The last thing they needed was a mutiny. You don’t bring shit like that to the Knights without real fire.
Diego and all those men are just like me, so they will only bow when they need to and plan to rise up and fight the first chance they get.
That’s what I need to prepare for because the prize is still her.
My wife.
“What are you thinking about?” Her soft voice pierces the silence.
“All sorts of things. What about you?”
Gwen pulls in a slow breath. “I’m always thinking about my grandmother, but now I have one very pissed-off best friend to worry about.”
I should have known she would say something like that. Of course, she’s worried about her grandmother. Worried sick. And it was inevitable that Dru would start getting annoyed. Gwen’s been gone for a while, and Dru doesn’t have much information.
“You’ll get to see your grandmother soon,” I promise.
Gwen twists in my arms to face me with hope in her eyes. “Really? When?”
“Soon. I just need another week or so. We have a few meetings with the executors and lawyers. Once that’s done, I’ll have a clearer picture.” Before I even contemplate sending Gwen back to Wilmington, I also want to finish getting everything sorted out with the cartel and keeping tabs on Diego.AndEsperanza for that matter. I don’t want to scare Gwen, so I won’t tell her those parts. “Is your grandmother okay?”
“She’s the same, so neither good nor bad.” She tucks a lock of hair behind her ear, allowing the moonlight to catch her face properly. “Dru has been checking on her while I’ve been here, but I miss her. And I really don’t want her to forget me. She didn’t know who I was last time.”