Page 135 of Hunter's Revenge
I can’t imagine how awful that must be. Loving a relative who can’t remember they love you.
“Her heart remembers you even if her brain can’t.”
She smiles with appreciation. “I truly hope so. My grandmother is my world. She protected me all my life. I want to do the same for her. I would have kept her at home if I could have provided the right care for her, but she got so bad she needed to be in a home. I’ve always felt guilty for that.”
She dabs away a tear with the heel of her hand and blinks to stave off others. Apart from that night I dealt with Conrad, this is the first time I’ve seen her cry.
“You did the right thing for her. Keeping her home without the proper care she needed would have made her health worse.”
“I know. It’s just hard for me, and I’ve had to accept that this is it. She’s not going to get any better from here onwards. All we’ll have is memories.”
This is the first time Gwen has spoken like this.
I cup her face and stroke her smooth, silky skin. “Memories are the most powerful thing we have. That’s where we love all the people who have ever been in our lives.”
“That’s a nice thought. I guess regardless of what’s happened to me, I’ve had good memories and good people.”
“Me too.” I have quite the story to tell, but I’ve had the greatest people in my life, and I would never trade that for a different life that could have been better. “What’s happening with Dru? Did you guys argue?”
“Yes. She’s onto me. I don’t know how long I can keep up my story.”
I think for a moment. She’s going to have to tell her friend something soon. Now that the cards have been laid out and everyone who’s party to this plot knows what’s happening, Dru isn’t a threat. Not anymore. We’re no longer at the stage where Gwen could have told Dru she’s been kidnapped and involve the police or anyone like that who would create a mess I don’t want to clear up.
“She’s just eager to get our dream,” Gwen adds. “That’s what I sold her. She thinks I’m here setting up the beautiful store the two of us have dreamed about since forever. It was the only thing I could tell her. I figured I’d be able to sort it all out in six months when I get my inheritance. But I worry about what will happen to us along the way.”
“Do you trust your friend?”
“With my life.”
“Then the next time you speak to her, tell her whatever you feel comfortable to share.”
She gazes at me for a few beats, surprise filling her pretty face. “You’re seriously allowing me to tell her what’s going on?”
“I’m sure you’ll think about what you believe she needs to know.” Gwen isn’t going to put her friend in danger, and she’ll only talk about the things she knows she can trust her with.
“I will. Thank you.”
“It’s okay.”
She continues to stare at me, and I can tell she’s thinking about my past. She has the same look in her eyes that she did when she first heard my truth.
“What actually happened to you, Malik?”
I smirk. “Story for another time, Malyshka.”
“Will you ever tell me?”
“Yes. It’s just difficult to talk about, and it’s not just one thing that happened to me.” My captivity and Jim Davison’s death were just a part of the bigger picture of shit. There was also the disaster with my parents, Leif and Viktor. My head is fucked because all of it was just too much for a person to deal with. “Let’s just say, life wasn’t exactly kind to me.”
She holds my gaze. “That room. The secret room with all the pictures on the wall. Those people are all dead, aren’t they?”
My heart pinches at her recognition. I nod slowly. “My father, my uncle, my old captain, and his son who was my best friend. All of them are dead. I keep everything that represents death in that room.” Including my uniform and my Knights tunic.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It is what it is.” I decide to change the subject slightly. “Kelly and I were talking about my uncle. It’s an emotional topic because he was murdered. That’s what you saw the other night.”
She gasps. “Oh my God. I… didn’t know.”