Page 121 of Ruthless Sinner
It’s true.
“Your father has been working with my family since before you were born. We are the reason for his wealth and there’s no way he would have gotten that governor’s position without us.”
“My… God…” I bring my hand up to my trembling lips.
“Your father has risen so far in power he’s part of our elite. I was born into power and destined to be part of the leadership. But for a man like him to achieve so much, he would have had to spill as much blood as he could to please the powers that be.”
Finally I meet those eyes again and search them. “The powers that be? Is that you?”
“No, baby. Not me. Far worse than me.” His jaw clenches. “Right now that’s my uncle. My father became Pakhan after my grandfather died, but not even he was as ruthless as my uncle. But they were a team. I won’t excuse anyone, including myself from the darkness of my world.”
I can’t imagine my father killing anybody. “He killed?”
“Many innocent men, women, and children.”
Bile flows into my throat. I have to take a gulp of the tense air between us to stop myself from throwing up.
Dad killed innocent men, women, and children. I can’t even get the knowledge to sink into my brain.
“Why would he do that?”
“Power. He wanted it and that’s how he got it. All those things you think he did to become governor is just a façade. What he really did is wipe out his the opponent he couldn’t buy-out and anyone who stood in his way. Remember James Donovan and his family? At the beginning of your father’s campaign he was you’re the favorite to win the governor’s position.”
James Donovan and his family which included three children under ten were killed at their homes. The news said it was a revenge crime carried out by someone James had sent to prison. James worked in the DA’s office.
Dante is telling me Dad was responsible for their deaths.
My breaths come short like someone about to take their last and I can feel my skin turning pale as the blood drains from my body.
“I can’t believe…” My words trail off into the ether. What can I say?
I can’t believe it. Of course I don’t. This can’t be the same loving father I know and love.
But it feels true.
Did Melissa know this?
Does Natalie, who seems to know everything, know?
Did Miko know?
But wait… I’m getting head of myself by trying to figure out who knew the truth from who didn’t. There’s still the looming question I haven’t asked yet. The thing that brought Dante and I together and is responsible for this moment.
“What did my father do to you?”
Dante straightens and that darkness in his eyes deepens. “He set me up so I’d go to prison.”
“What?” I rasp out the word on the edge of a breath. “How did he do that?”
“I was sent on a job to kill a man. Your father knew if I discovered what kind of man this guy was, I’d lose my shit and make it easy to get caught. So he made sure I found out.”
“What kind of man was he?” I breathe.
“A rapist. A child rapist and human trafficker. The day before he’d…” Dante stops and blinks. The tenderness comes back to his expression as if his body remembers it’s still human. “There was a five year old girl. He killed her but there are no words to describe what he did to her first before sending her family her head. Because of what happened to my sister, I can’t control myself when I encounter people like that. Somehow I feel like it’s my responsibility to do something to stop it from happening to anyone else. But in the process, I practically laid myself down in the trap your father was set for me.”
I feel physically sick now. I’m not sure how the hell I haven’t ran into the bathroom and thrown up everything I’ve ever eaten.