Page 122 of Ruthless Sinner
“Why would my father set you up?”
That menacing smile returns to his face. Combined with the darkness clouding his eyes, it’s a frightening sight.
“I don’t know. That’s the very thing I’m trying to figure out.” He nods.
“What happens when you do?” I’m afraid to ask the question.
“I think you know the answer to that.”
My eyes become so wide they dry out.
He’ll kill Dad.
Dante will kill Dad.
“You’re going to kill him?” My voice is quiet it’s almost as if I haven’t spoken.
He steps back, still keeping his eyes on me. Still exuding the air of vengeance.
I can’t even talk because do I say? After hearing all the evil my father has done, how can I beg for his life?
And what about me?
What will Dante do to me?
“Me too? Is that why I met you?” A tear tracks down my cheek. Another follows when I think back to my accident. I fought death only to end up right back in its arms. This time death has come to me in the form of a man I gave myself to over and over again.
To my surprise, Dante comes closer and catches my tears with his thumb, then he place it in his mouth as if to taste my grief.
I’m surprised further when I feel the stir in my core that only awakens for him.
“You met me because I was so fascinated with you I had to see you in real life.” His deep, smooth voice becomes deeper as it takes on a reflective tone that works its way into me. “In all the years of knowing Jason I didn’t care one way or the other for his family, so I didn’t know about you. Understandably, the men in my world like to keep their families out of business. I was already in prison by the time you had your accident so it skipped me. So I guess the question is what made me seek you out?”
“I was so enraged when I discovered what your father did I wanted to know his weaknesses. I wanted to use them against him to destroy him. Nothing destroys a man quicker than losing his family.” He runs a finger down the bridge of my nose. “Believe me, I know. You’re never the same again after. And while I was away my father died. Knowing I could have been here to see him for just one more day ripped me apart. It still does. I wanted to destroy Jason and take everything from him starting with you. Then I saw your face and something I couldn’t describe happened to me that took me to the club that night.My club, with you inside it dancing for me.”
His finger drops to my lips and my breath hitches mixed with a combination of terror and arousal. I don’t know how I can feel anything like that at a time like this.
“I can’t kill you, Serenity,” he adds. “Seems like I’m not that fucked up yet.”
I swallow past the mammoth sized lump in my throat, doing my best to keep myself from falling apart. I’m enraged at this situation, but I’m more angry at myself for taking a risk I shouldn’t have to be with him.
“I was so stupid I fell straight intoyourtrap.” I place emphasis on that last part because every part of being with him feels like a trap.
“I tried to warn you away.”
I’m shocked by the little laugh that falls from my lips. He is too. The laugh is not one of humor. It’s satirical. Just like us.
“I wish you tried harder.” I inhale a sharp breath and hold onto it to dispel my oncoming tears. “I actually believed it was real between us.”
His eyes become dark pools of raw hurt. “It is.”
As in present tense?