Page 22 of Ruthless Sinner
"This is something good, and right now you’re just meeting him. Nothing is official yet. Natalie's getting married to a good man in a matter of weeks,” he adds, looking more positive. "I want the same for you. Do you understand that?”
“I understand,” I grate out, biting back the urge to point out that he didn’t fix Natalie up with some guy she didn’t know.
“Good, so please come to dinner on your best behavior. Can I get you to agree to that?"
I stare back at him, and I want to say no, but I can't.
When I think about my life, I realize I have very little choices. If I defy my father, he could take everything away from me. I couldn’t even rely on the money I’d be earning from my internship yet to replace things.
"Okay." I sound like I’ve just been handed a life sentence. I suppose in a way I have. How the hell did I go from swooning over a handsome mystery man to this?
"Good. I will see you Wednesday night, then."
"See you then."
Dad stands and switches back to the loving father when he plants a kiss on my forehead, then he walks away, leaving me shellshocked, stunned, and utterly stupefied.
My mouth is so dry I can't even swallow, and my skin is tingling.
What the hell am I going to do now?
Everything and all my hard work to get my life back on track suddenly feels like it was for nothing.
I manage to compose myself and get back inside, but I’m a mess.
I was excited about being at work today, but all I want to do now is go home and crawl under a rock.
I work through the next two hours on autopilot, and at one, when we break for lunch, I head out to the coffee shop I've been going to during the induction.
I grab an extra-strong triple-shot espresso, then I make my way outside to sit at one of the tables by the river. But I stop in my tracks when I look across the rows of tables and my eyes land on my handsome hero from the club.
I'm so surprised to see him, I think my mind is screwing with me.
Maybe I've conjured him from my fantasies in response to the craziness of Dad’s request.
But no, he is really here. It's actually him, and he's looking right at me, exactly the same way he did that night at the club.
Today, he’s wearing a black leather biker jacket, and he has a five-o’clock shadow on his chiseled jaw that makes him look even sexier.
In the sunlight, his blue eyes are brighter, striking, piercing, spellbinding. No wonder they looked so bright before. Because they are.
And once again, I’m staring at him like I did that first night. Or maybe it’s more like gawking. Harper would call it that and hand me a tissue to wipe my drool.
I just can’t believe he’s really here. From the way he’s looking at me, I can’t even wonder if this is a coincidence. It clearly isn’t, so…he’s here for me.
The realization fills my blood with a lethal dose of temptation, and the next thing I know, I’m moving toward him as if I'm being reeled in by lust-filled invisible strings.
I keep my eyes on him with every step I take, and he does the same.
The musky scent of his cologne and his raw masculinity intoxicate me as I draw closer. It sends a shiver of arousal through my body.
I stop before his table, my mouth slightly agape, and I search his handsome face, which slowly lifts into a predatory smile.
I was disappointed when I thought I might never see him again, but I absolutely didn’t expect him to come and find me. To actually seek me out.
"You’re here." My voice is so quiet it sounds as though it’s lost in the wind.
"Yes, I am." His deep baritone voice is smooth and seductive, pouring over me like warm honey. "Got your message,Serenity. I heard you wanted to see me again. So, here I am."