Page 23 of Ruthless Sinner
Those eyes of his drink me in with raw seduction as he waits for my response.
I know I’m supposed to say something.Anything. I just can’t access the words crashing around in my mind. Part of me is still contemplating the possibility that he might not be real. The other part knows he is, and now that he’s stepped into my circle of existence, I’m rooted in temptation.
Summoning confidence, I tame my thoughts so I can stop myself from continuing to gawk at him. As beautiful as he is to look at, I can’t do this all day.
Time is literally of the essence. I need to get back to work, and I’m sure he didn’t come here just for me to look at him.
“I wanted to say thanks.” I find my voice. “To thank you properly for saving me. I didn’t get a chance to do so the other night, so I thought I should do it in person.”
“You’re welcome.” His accent is richer. “Was that all you wanted to say to me? Seems like you went through a lot of trouble to find me.”
I give him a nervous smile. “I would have probably bought you a drink, or something.”
His sensual lips twitch, revealing sexy dimples. “Why don’t you sit,Serenity?”
I love the way he says my name. It rolls off his tongue as if he’s stroking every syllable.
He gestures to the chair in front of him, and I sit, setting my coffee on the table before me. The need for it is suddenly gone.
My handsome hero sits forward, and I think of the first thing I need to ask him.
“What’s your name?”
“Dante Levitsky.”
Dante Levitsky. Wow.I like it, and now I have a name.
Like a gentleman, he holds out his hand for me to shake. I do, savoring that I’m touching him, but also studying the tattoos covering his hands.
They look Russian. In fact, I’m sure they are. I’ve definitely seen some of these symbols on Russian mafia men on TV shows.
Is that what he is?
Geez, imagine if he was. Dad would definitely have a heart attack.
My eyes flick back up to his, and I release his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Dante Levitsky.” I chuckle. “Levitsky sounds Russian.” Although I heard him speaking Russian, noticed his accent, and have seen the tattoos, I shouldn’t just assume.
“It is. I was born there. I moved to the States when I was fourteen.”
“Wow. That sounds interesting. I don’t have anything like that to share. I’ve lived in Boston all my life. And you already know I’m Serenity.”
“I do.”
At that moment, something dawns on me. He found me.Here.
He would have needed my full name and had to do some digging to do that.
Granted, it might not be that hard to find out where I work once you know who I am.
I’m guessing that’s what happened here. So, he must know more about me than I realized.
“You found me here. Does that mean you had a surname, too?” That’s my clever way of asking what I know he knows I’ve already figured out.
He gives me a toothy grin. “Yes. I’m a man of many talents.”