Page 10 of Just Our Secret
“You were right,” he said, looking down at me with a crooked grin that sent my pulse racing. “I think this day will wind up on the ‘best day ever’ list.”
“Oh, for sure.”
“Mom,” Liam called from inside the truck, breaking the surprisingly heated silence between us.
I shook my head. “Yeah, Liam?”
“Do you have my watch?” he asked, his head popping through the door, eyes wild.
I frowned. “Your watch?”
He held up his naked wrist. “It’s gone.”
“Are you sure you had it on today?” I asked.
“Yes. I’m sure.”
I looked up at Wade with a sigh. “Maybe it fell off while we were inside?”
“I’ll take you back in to go look,” he said, then nodded at his guys in the truck. “You guys cool with Liam for a minute?”
They replied that they were, so Wade led the way back inside, through the first door that led to the kitchen. “Let’s retrace our steps.”
“Sounds good,” I replied.
We moved through the house, scanning the floor for the watch in all of the rooms we’d entered. Finally, we made it to the bunk room. We stepped inside, and I was immediately aware of the fact that we were alone in the same place I’d imagined straddling him only minutes before.
I made a conscious effort to push those thoughts away while we focused on the task at hand. Liam had run all around the room, so we fanned out, looking under beds and desks for the watch.
I stood after looking under one of the beds and backed up, then jumped when I felt him behind me. I spun around at the same time he did, and he caught me by the tops of my arms before I stumbled.
“Sorry,” I said with a laugh. Then it was like we both registered our nearness to one another at the same time.
His hands tightened on the tops of my arms, warmth seeping into every layer of my skin. His eyes met mine, surprise and heat mixing in their depths. And then before I could even blink, he dipped his head as he pulled me against him, melding his lips to mine.
For a split second, I froze. And then my body caught on to the fact that this wasn’t just a lusty daydream as I’d watched him put on his turnout gear. This was really happening.
Wade was really kissing me.
I melted into his embrace, his soft lips gliding over mine, somehow gentle even though the fierce grip on my arms hadn’t lessened at all. My lips parted to invite him in, and I sighed as his warm tongue found mine, lighting up every nerve ending in my body.
Grabbing his suspenders in my fists, I stood on my toes, eager for more of him. I’d wanted this for so long. Dreamed of it. Imagined it on lonely nights that were just for me.
All thoughts of right and wrong stayed far away as I gave myself over to him and his drugging kisses. Time was nonexistent, and I didn’t care about anything but his mouth on mine.
Kissing Andi made every fantasy I’d ever had about kissing Andi seem like a C movie version of the real thing. Her soft lips met and matched mine with every changed angle, her tongue just as responsive. The heat of her mouth and the hungry way she held onto my suspenders sent heat rippling through me. My cock was hard as steel, and I’d been fighting that reaction since I’d seen the heat in her eyes earlier.
Maybe I’d lost my mind, kissing her when her brother, my best friend, was only down a hall or two and outsidewith her son. But I couldn’t stop myself when she looked at me like she wanted to lick me, and I damn sure couldn’t pretend I didn’t want her to.
She rose on her toes and pulled me closer, our bodies pressed together to bring her chest against mine. I groaned when she slipped her hands into my hair. My own hands had a mind of their own now that she’d brought us flush together and responded so damn eagerly to this. One hand inched into the soft hair at her neck while the other traveled the line of her spine to the curve of her lower back, and—
“You guys back here?”
Connor’s voice rang out like a shot only feet down the hall and Andi and I had the same reaction—we jumped apart like we’d been burned. Mildly ironic, considering we were making out in the bedroom of a firehouse, except I couldn’t find the humor in it.