Page 17 of The Last Option
“Ah, yes, the wave that follows the visa schedule, yeah,” Jessica murmured.
Brian stopped and looked at her. For a moment Jessica reviewed all she knew and wondered if there was another cause.
“Is there a problem?” she asked cautiously.
“You know about the visa problem?”
“Yeah, it’s been an issue for a while but didn’t show up as much until 50% of the staff became visa holders. It was cheaper to hire in some ways, but it’s been a challenge to get management to recognize they need to do work, they aren’t just getting low-cost labor.”
“I think a lot of managers look at visa holders like interns, so they don’t rate very high on the list of priorities.”
Brian cleared his throat.
“Well, I didn't know about the visa issue. In turn, he said I needed to make sure I looked at the numbers better.”
“I could see how that could really bring the meeting down.”
“So do you have an answer for that?”
“The visa issue or the managers that aren't doing their work?”
“I guess when you say it like that, it becomes a larger issue altogether.”
“It's true. It's one of those things that we changed in operations and now we're dealing with the fallout of what we thought was a great idea. So, I guess you're right. I don't have an answer for this problem.”
Brian smiled. “You don't have an answer, but it was still good to hear someone else talk it out.”
“Thank you.”
“You’ve been asking me questions all along, I'd like to ask you one.”
Jessica was a little bit nervous when he said that. What question could the great Brian have for her?
“Go for it.”
“How did you wind up with this job working with Middleton and coming here?”
Jessica sighed. It was the last question she ever expected him to ask. Without thinking about it, she began to rotate the ring on her pinky finger. “It's kind of a sad story, so—”
“Are you one of those women who needs chocolate?”
Jessica chuckled. “No, I can tell a story without chocolate.” She sat back and started to really twist the ring on her finger. “It's actually more embarrassing than anything else. You probably already know the story, so I would just be repeating common knowledge.”
Brian leaned forward. “I don't know if you've heard, but I don't go around asking people things. So, it may be common knowledge to someone, but it would have definitely missed me.”
Jessica stopped spinning her ring, and then placed her hands flat down on the table. “So, this is what happened. About two years ago, I applied for a manager position, it was an accounting position. As usual, I did not get that job and someone else got it who had been at the company for less time than I had been. When he saw me, he asked what was wrong. He had heard, like everyone else, that I had been passed over once again for a position that I was qualified for. He said that they would always overlook me because I would overshadow them with my talent for numbers. I thought it was kind of him to say that. Then, he asked if I wanted to work for him and I said yes. Who wouldn’t say yes to working with the CFO? So, you see, it was a pity move on his part, but I was grateful.”
Jessica looked up to see Brian staring at her. She knew it was a bad idea to tell him the truth. He was probably trying to remember all of the things he had heard about her in the company. Jessica knew he said he didn't listen to gossip, but she was something that people loved to talk about. She was the woman who got passed over.
“You know Mr. Middleton was right.”
“I’m saying that Middleton was right. A lot of other managers would be intimidated by you. You don’t present yourself initially as a threat. However, I could see how you easily diffuse situations. It could make you a threat to a manager who doesn’t want to grow and doesn’t want competition.”
Jessica got ready to speak but then their takeout came. While Brian paid for it she continued to walk out.
“So, you were going to ditch me? You bring a whole new meaning to eat and run,” Brian said trailing behind her. She swung around so quickly she almost hit him with the takeout bags she had.