Page 18 of The Last Option
“You know you don’t have to be nice to me. I am still going to do my job.”
“Do you think me talking to you was a type of flirting to get you to cooperate?”
“Was it?”
“No, I didn’t doubt your work ethic at all.” Brian took a step closer to her and lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes.
“Maybe the real question is, why do you think someone needs an excuse to talk to you? I think you are an amazing woman, Jessica, and I’ve only known you for a couple of days.”
He stood there as if waiting for her to say something. Just when her vocal cords came back she heard Beth returning.
“Jessica, you won’t believe what I found,” Beth called out.
“I know what you mean,” Jessica whispered.
Brian smiled and took a step back. “I’ll be seeing you Jessica.”
Jessica watched him walk away and then at the excited Beth.
“You’ve got food! Let’s eat,” Beth said as she pulled her into the Shell. Jessica’s body was going inside but she was sure the rest of her was still outside watching Brian walk away.
Chapter Seven
Someone was courting death, that could be the only reason Jessica heard knocking on her door.
“Jess, make it stop,” Beth said from the other bed.
The knocking came again, and this time Jessica opened her eyes and got out of her bed. She went to the door and ripped it open.
“What?!” She found herself face to face with Brian. “Ah, of course it’s you.”
“Were you expecting someone else?” Brian asked.
“No, but you never know, it’s the town of Peace and all.” She looked toward Beth and knew she had already gone back to sleep. Jessica couldn't imagine what Brian had to say that was so important that he had to come so early in the morning. Every time she thought she had found a way to put some distance between them, he wound up next to her. He had made it clear that he didn’t take advice from other people, and he wasn't quite sure why she was there. As far as Jessica was concerned, Brian was an unknown element. He wasn't in the category of management who ignored her and held her back. Nor was he in the category of coworkers who ignored her but talked about her incessantly. All in all, it made Jessica very uncomfortable to be around Brian, not knowing how to treat him or what his intent was. Getting the numbers was becoming a chore she just wanted to get done with.
“What do you have on?” Brian asked looking at her nightwear.
Jessica looked at her nightgown and then at him.
“Have you never seen a nightgown?”
“I have but I haven’t seen that since the settlers were crossing the plains.”
Jessica sniffed and went to sit on her bed. “If you came here just to insult me, then you can just go back the way you came.”
Brian held up his hands. “No, I didn’t come for that at all. I was told this morning that I was going fishing. We could be gone for a while.”
“Ah yes, the fishing trip to get in the mood, Middleton would say.”
Brian’s eyes lit up. “You’ve been on this boat? That’s great, I’ll wait for you to—”
Jessica cut him off before he got too far. “I’m sorry, that boat trip is for men only. Middleton was very specific about women going on the boat.”
“You know this is ridiculous!”
“I know if you want your numbers, you are going on a boat,” Jessica said with a smile.
“Fine, then let me finish what I came to do.”