Page 19 of The Last Option
“What did you come to do? That sounds so ominous.”
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Jessica saw he had about three hundred dollars and a credit card, which he shoved at her.
“We’re going out for what I’m told will be awhile. During that time, in case anything should come up, you will have money and my card if needed.”
Jessica looked at the card and cash and her hands tightened on them.
“You don’t have to do this. I’ve been alone before, it’s nothing new to me.”
“I imagine it’s not with that prickly attitude.”
Jessica gave him a smile. “You couldn’t let that one go, could you?”
Brian shrugged. “I tried but nope, I couldn’t let it go.”
“Can I offer you anything, coffee or toast?” Jessica asked.
“From the hot plate? No, no thank you.”
“Hmm, the no to coffee is because of my near fatal incident yesterday or because you can’t stop at just one cup?” she asked with a smile.
“I’m not partaking because I didn’t bring my French press,” Brian murmured.
“What?” she asked, sure that she hadn’t heard him the first time.
“You heard me, I like French press and the town doesn’t have my brand. So, I will just go without.”
Jessica knew her mouth was open. Then she pulled it closed and let out a small, “Oh.”
“We’ve all got quirks.”
Jessica nodded. “Well, while you are with the guys, I’ll just refamiliarize myself with the local entertainment and fair.”
Brian rolled his eyes. “You are kidding right?”
Jessica picked up a cup and looked around until she found the Keurig on a small table. After she had set it up, she turned to find Brian looking at her.
“What?” she asked.
“I’m not the only one who needs the creature comforts,” Brian said eyeing the Keurig.
“My coffee machine is not a frivolous item. I need coffee like I need air. I’m not so picky it has to be French press!”
“Hmm hmm. I’m just saying…” Brian muttered. “So where are these new places you want to go in a town you’ve been visiting for three years?”
“Well, I hear there is a massage place to die for. There’s also a new place to get my mani and pedi done. There are a couple of new diners. Yeah, I think I can keep myself occupied for a day.”
“I guess so,” Brian muttered. “At any rate, you have the credit card. If you should need anything else, call the number on the back of my business card. They will take care of everything for you.”
“You are going to fish, not to a land far away. Don’t you think this is a bit of overkill?” Jessica asked waving the card and cash.
Brian seemed shocked by her hesitation to take all of the things he was offering.
“Brian, really?”
“We must be prepared for everything,” Brian said.
Jessica could see he wasn’t going to budge on this. With a large sigh, she reached for her coffee and brought it to her nose.