Page 104 of Code Name: Ares
I turned my head and kissed his lips. “Do you think he’s finally going to brief us on Mithras?” I asked when he leaned back to take another forkful of the breakfast we’d cooked together.
He shrugged. “Maybe.”
I glanced at Wren, who was smirking.
“Nothing,” she said, turning her back to me. I caught a glance between her and Wilder, then one between her and Ares after she’d turned to face us again.
“What aren’t you saying?” I asked, studying the man I would never tire of looking at.Never, ever.
“They’ll be here soon enough, and then we’ll all know,” said Wilder.
I stole glances at the three of them while I finished eating, convinced they knew something I didn’t. I was about to drag Ares into the bedroom we now shared to “convince” him to tell me whatever it was they were hiding, when a car pulled up to the house.
At the same time, Cayman came downstairs. “Are they here?” he asked, looking out the window anxiously.
“Not you too,” I muttered, even more baffled when he faced me and smiled.
Another car pulled in and parked behind Z’s. “Who’s that?” I asked.
“Poseidon, Zeppelin, and Magnet,” Cayman responded without turning around to look.
“He’s going to brief us on Mithras, isn’t he?”
No one responded to my question, not even Ares, who looked as though he was trying his hardest not to grin.
We left our dishes in the kitchen and gathered in the main sitting room. When I remained standing—fidgeting—Ares pulled me down beside him on the sofa. Cayman answered the front door and led the others into the room where we waited.
“Thank you for allowing me to intrude on your morning,” Marchand began. “I have been called to New York for a meeting with the Security Council to update them on the coalition’s progress.”
An awkward silence permeated the room when Marchand settled his gaze on me. “There is something I need to see to before that meeting. Nemesis, will you join me?”
I looked at Ares, who motioned with his head in the ambassador’s direction. I wasn’t about to get relieved from my position as a task force commander, was I? Ares certainly wouldn’t be smiling if I was. He squeezed my hand, and I stood. My eyes met Z’s as I walked over to Marchand. He too was smiling.
“Forgive me for doing this publicly; however, what I am about to say affects everyone in this room.”
My cheeks flushed, and I turned back to Ares, wishing he was standing beside me.
“Nemesis, you may have guessed what is about to take place—”
“Are you removing me from the task force?” I blurted, unable to hold it in any longer.
“In a way.”
My heart sank, and I was sure my eyes would soon fill with tears.
“However, it is not removal. Instead, it is a change in position.”
I blinked and looked up at Marchand. “What did you say?”
“The Security Council and the United Nations Coalition Against Human Trafficking would like to formally ask you to serve as the coalition’s leader, Nemesis.”
“Leader? I’m sorry. I don’t understand.”
Marchand nodded and put his hand on my shoulder. “While you will not be replacing me in my role within the Security Council”—he winked—“you will be taking over my role as head of the coalition. Congratulations. The appointment is well deserved.”
Everyone in the room stood to join the rest in applause.