Page 105 of Code Name: Ares
“There is no one better for the job,” said Z, stepping forward to shake my hand.
“I’m so proud of you,” said Ares, who’d walked over and kissed my cheek.
“Did you know?”
He nodded and shrugged. “Yeah.”
“Did you all?” I turned in a circle, watching as everyone present nodded like Ares had.
“I have another announcement. As long as Nemesis approves the recommendation, that is,” said Marchand. “I’d like to suggest Cayman Trace replaces you as the UK task force commanding officer.”
Cayman walked over, and we embraced. “Of course I approve. Congratulations, my friend.” We cheek-kissed, and from the corner of my eye, I saw tears streaming down Wren’s cheeks. “Excuse me,” I said to him, walking over to her.
“Will you finally set aside your humility and admit the brilliance everyone else recognizes in you?” she said, taking my hands in hers.
I smiled as tears filled my eyes too. “I cannot say I agree with your assessment; however, I will say thank you.”
“Sorry, there’s one more order of business to be taken care of before I let you all enjoy the rest of your day.” Marchand motioned me over to where he and Z still stood.
Zeppelin and Magnet approached as well.
“Again, as long as your commander approves, a formal invitation has been issued to both of you. First to Zeppelin Bonham, to serve as commander of the Swiss task force. Second, to Magnet Magnussen, to serve in the same role for Albania.”
The four men standing at the front of the room turned and looked at me.
“Again, I absolutely approve,” I said when I realized they were waiting for me to do so. “This is fantastic,” I exclaimed, embracing both Zep and Magnet like I had Cayman.
“With that settled, I need to take my leave. I’ve a flight to catch to New York. Z, you’re sure you don’t want to return to London with me?”
“And leave the celebration I’m certain will be taking place? Not a chance.”
“We’ll give you a lift home,” offered Zeppelin.
Marchand raised his hand. “Goodbye, and congratulations to all of you.”
“I’ll walk you out,” I said when he turned to leave.
“I have a feeling I know what you wish to discuss with me,” he said once we reached the car.
He smiled and nodded. “There is a brief on its way from O, Madam Commander,” he said with a mock bow. “But later. First, you celebrate. Tomorrow, you work.”
“Very well,” I said, smiling.
The ambassador’s expression turned serious. “The mandate you and the rest of the coalition members have been given by the United Nations is a monumental undertaking. However, there is no one I trust more to lead the fight against human trafficking, Nemesis. I mean that sincerely.”
“Thank you, sir.”
He motioned behind me in the direction of the front door. “You will want to thank Ares as well. The proposal he asked me to deliver to the Security Council was met with unanimous approval.”
When I felt Ares approach and put his hand on my shoulder, I turned to face him. We heard the car door close, then Marchand drive away.
“You did this?”
He shook his head. “No, Nem, you did this. You deserve it. There isn’t anyone waiting for us inside the house who doesn’t agree with me.”