Page 7 of Paddle Bunny
“Very good. Last question, at least for now. Sexual play, yes or no?”
“Yes, please,” Zoe answered quickly before she had a chance to back down.
After all, that was what she was here for, to expand her sexual horizons and try to figure out why missionary position in the dark sucked hard for her.
“Very well then. Shall we head into the dungeon and see if we can find ourselves some fun?”
Morgan stood and held out his hand, palm up. Then he waited while Zoe thought about his offer. Instead of automatically laying her hand in his, she looked up at him. “You want to scene with me?”
She sounded lost and more than a little confused.
His smile grew and the restlessness in his soul seemed to settle. “I’d be honored to explore the club and even do a scene with you.”
She thought for another few seconds. She then nodded as she laid her hand in his. “I think I’d like that.”
It had been longer than he cared to admit since he had walked into the club with a newbie. Hell, he couldn’t remember the last time he had spent any time with a new member, or anyone new to the scene for that matter. Since opening the club, he had taught classes in floggers, whips, canes, and other impact devices, but always used a masochist who was well versed in the lifestyle.
One who would not demand more than he was willing to give. Sure, he knew there were club members who would do anything to spend more than one night at a time in his bed.
Or even a single night in his bed since he never took anyone he played with at the club home with him. As an owner, and a man with more money than anyone needed in one lifetime, he confined his sexual and sadistic urges to club play only.
Taking a moment, Morgan heard the soft inhalation Zoe took as he laced their fingers together.
“Oh, wait a minute,” Zoe said, pulling her hand free.
He watched, stunned, as she returned her empty water bottle to the bar, earning a grin and word of thanks from the bartender. Not many members worried about leaving an empty bottle behind, which made him want to learn even more about her. He had a feeling if he had not already laid claim to the lady’s evening, Tully would be calling in backup so he could spend the evening with her.
She returned to his side a moment later. “Okay, I’m ready now.”
Morgan’s cock twitched as she once again laid her hand in his then took the initiative to lace their fingers together.
He stopped her just before they entered the dungeon. “We’re going to wander the dungeon and see what’s going on, get a feel for various kinks and see which ones you might like to explore further. Then I’m going to tie you to a spanking bench and give you a spanking using my hand only.”
“Yes, bunny, a spanking. Punishment for being a member for two months without fully engaging as a member. I know in the orientation class and in the BDSM 101 class they talk about asking one of the owners or one of the dungeon monitors for help finding a Dominant to play with and negotiate a scene during your first few visits. You did attend those classes, didn’t you?”
“Yes, Sir. I did.”
“Now, bunny, I want you to remember, you can call red anytime you need to. Not just for physical reasons, but also if you’re overwhelmed emotionally. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir. I understand.”
Morgan stopped and turned to look at the woman whose curves had him so turned on he couldn’t wait to touch them all. “You also have the right to say no to anything that is offered. Just because I’m the Dominant does not mean you must blindly do as I say. In a Dominant/submissive relationship the submissive holds all the power. The Dominant might be in charge and leading the way, but the submissive can always call their safe word and stop everything.”
“Yes, Sir, I understand that. And I don’t have a problem saying no if I disagree with something. So far, I agree with everything you say, even if I don’t really want a spanking,” Zoe said softly before a soft giggle escaped.
“Very well. Since I’ve been gone for the past three months, I need a tour of the dungeon myself. Bjorn likes to rearrange the furniture every once in a while to keep things fresh.”
Zoe’s giggle had Morgan smiling as well. For the first time in weeks, the darkness of loneliness that had been invading his soul as he traveled the world seemed to lighten. Now to get the tour out of the way and get on to the simple scene he was planning. After that, he would see about asking Zoe for a date.
Because as crazy at it sounded in his own head, he wanted to see her outside the club and maybe take her on a proper date, not just a scene and a fuck here in the club. But first, before anything else happened between them, he wanted a taste of her.
Pulling her close, he was pleased when she did not fight him, but moved in until they were pressed together, front to front. He lifted his free hand and slid it around the back of her neck then tilted her head back.
“Are kisses okay?”
“Yes,” she breathed.