Page 8 of Paddle Bunny
In the next second, he brushed his lips over hers. Once, twice, and then a third time before settling in and licking at the seam of her lips. When her lips parted, allowing him to dive in, he tilted his head a little further to the right and took the kiss from PG-13 to mature.
Chapter Five
Oh. My. God. Morgan Seacrest was kissing her. Taking a chance, Zoe lifted her free hand to his chest and felt the body underneath the shirt. And, oh, lord, it was hard. She didn’t think there was an ounce of fat on the man.
When someone screamed in the dungeon, she jerked and broke the kiss, stunned at the effect the man’s kiss had on her body. Staring up at him with eyes she was sure would be popping out of her head at any second, she was not surprised to see Morgan looked equally stunned at the chemistry that had flared between them.
He then blinked and cleared his throat. “Well, that was unexpected.”
“But certainly not unpleasant,” he said with a smile that sent another wave of warmth through her.
The warm, melty feeling in her stomach she had been looking for had turned into a heat she could not ignore. This was the Dominant she wanted to play with. This was the play she wanted to experience and learn from. This was the man she wanted to spend time with.
She could only hope he felt the same, though from the way he continued holding her hand and staring down into her eyes, she had a feeling he did. But for some reason she was afraid to ask. For now, she would enjoy what kinky delights tonight held and let the future handle itself.
Another scream filled the air. This one sounded full of pain and not the fun kind. Morgan looked away, breaking the spell that held her in thrall. He read something in the cry that she didn’t, and immediately began moving deeper into the dungeon, pulling her along in his wake.
The screams continued as they crossed to the far side of the dungeon. As they approached Zoe realized that the woman wasn’t just screaming, she was screaming the word red.
By the time they reached the inverted U-frame where she had been strung up by her wrists, a crowd had gathered. Two men were quietly talking to a third while two others were working to release the naked woman from her restraints.
Thin lines of blood tracing their way down her back flipped Zoe from nervous submissive into professional caretaker role. Looking around, she grabbed a young woman who looked like she was going to cry. “Get me a first aid kit, please.”
The woman nodded and hurried away. Just then the man holding the woman up looked around. “Do we have a doctor in the house tonight?”
Morgan’s presence had the crowd parting and allowed them access to the low-stage area. At the call for assistance, Zoe stepped past Morgan.
She lifted a hand. “I’m a nurse practitioner.”
The two men looked at her like she had turned purple. Then one asked the other, “What the hell is a nurse practitioner?”
“I am,” she responded before turning to Morgan. “Is there somewhere we can take her so I can treat her without a crowd?”
Morgan thought a moment and nodded. “Let me see if there’s an empty playroom upstairs.”
With that, Zoe turned her attention to her patient. “Okay, honey, my name is Zoe, and I’m going to take care of you.”
The woman stared at her, but it was obvious she was not seeing her. Zoe looked around the area and found a stack of blankets on a nearby supply station. Grabbing one, she wrapped it around the woman, then looked at the man holding her. He was twice her size and built like a tank.
“Can you carry her without hurting yourself?”
He smirked but nodded without a word. Bending his knees, he wrapped one arm under her ass and scooped her into his arms before straightening. Then he followed Zoe through the crowd and toward the stairway that led to the private rooms on the second floor. Tully was waiting for them with what looked like a professional first aid kit.
“Thank you,” Zoe said as she accepted the large red bag with the big white cross on it.
She hurried up the stairs with the man right behind her. Morgan waited at the top of the stairs and directed them to the first open doorway down the hall to the left. Entering the room, Zoe had to smile at the irony of the only open door on the floor was to a room set up like a doctor’s office.
“Lay her on the table,” she instructed the human mule.
While he and Morgan dealt with the woman, Zoe turned her attention to finding the supplies she needed to clean and assess the woman’s wounds.
Once the woman was in position, Zoe had laid out everything she needed on the rolling instrument tray and pushed it to where it would be convenient but not in the way. Then she went to work.
Morgan stood back and watched Zoe not only treat Allysa’s physical injuries, but also calm her at the same time. She finished cleaning wounds and determined that Allysa did not need stitches. Instead she used steri-strips to close the larger cuts while Allysa shared what had happened.