Page 9 of Paddle Bunny
If Morgan remembered correctly, Allysa was a sassy, bratty Little. What the hell was she doing out in the dungeon, naked and playing with one of the club’s harshest sadists?
With Master Richard holding Allysa’s hand, Morgan stood in the corner eavesdropping on the women’s conversation. That’s when he realized the Little girl had brought the trauma on herself. Unable to find herself a Daddy, she had decided to push her own boundaries by experimenting with masochism. The problem was that she had not shared her inexperience with her play partner. She had also chosen the roughest, harshest, most sadistic Dominant club member for her experiment. Yep, it had been a clusterfuck waiting to happen.
After Zoe helped Allysa get dressed, Morgan took a breath and stepped into the role of club owner.
“Allysa, I want you to find Master Dominick and apologize for not communicating your needs properly to him. If he’d known you were trying out something new, he would have done things differently. I also want you to be front row center for the next BDSM 101 class.”
While Allysa nodded and agreed immediately, Zoe watched him with worry evident in every line of her being.
“How did you get here this evening, subbie?”
“I used an Uber. The driver is a friend and said to call her and she would give me a ride home when I was ready.”
Morgan nodded. “Good girl. Master Richard is going to escort you to the lobby. I want you to call your friend and then wait with Griffin until it arrives.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Once Allysa and Master Richard, who’d remained silently by her side, were gone, Morgan left the door open. He turned and leaned against the wall beside the opening to find Zoe flittering around the room, cleaning up and repacking the medical supply bag.
“You don’t have to do that, you know. We do have a cleaning staff,” he said when she wouldn’t look at him.
“I know, but these bloody things need to be double bagged and disposed of, and I’ve got all the shots needed to deal with them.”
Once she had the blanket, towels, and other supplies she had used bagged to her satisfaction, she stood with her back to him.
He could see that between their earlier encounter, and treating Allysa, the woman was in no headspace to play sexy games.
“Come here, Zoe,” he ordered softly. He put just a touch of steel in his tone so that hopefully she would understand he was not dicking around.
Still facing away from him, she took a deep breath and then turned and threw herself across the room at him. He caught her easily and pulled her in for a hug.
She wrapped her arms around him and held on tight. He rubbed one hand up and down her trembling body. He didn’t speak. Didn’t praise her for taking control of the situation or assure her that everything would be fine. Mainly because he wasn’t sure what was causing the tears that were burning into his skin.
Instead, he brushed a kiss on the top of her head. “This just isn’t our night, is it?”
Chapter Six
On Friday evening, Zoe stood on the sidewalk outside Club N2, debating whether or not she was brave enough to climb the steps and go inside. After their aborted evening, she had agreed to meet Master Morgan after her next scheduled shift at the front desk so they could finish what they had begun that night.
She was so lost in her debate that when the front door opened and Rory stepped outside, she jumped.
“Come on in, girlfriend. You know you want to.”
Zoe found herself smiling as she carefully ascended the steps, her heels already killing her feet after only wearing them for the half hour she’d had them on. Once inside, she slipped them off with a relieved sigh before padding around the desk. After shedding her coat and hanging it over the back of one of the rolling chairs, she tucked her shoes and purse into the drawer the volunteers used to store their belongings. Taking a deep breath, she turned and jumped when she found Master Morgan standing directly behind her.
“Oh,” she squeaked. “Hello.”
“Hello. Are you working tonight?”
She replied, “Yes, Sir, I am,” at the same time Rory said, “Not if you don’t want her to.”
Master Morgan glanced at Rory before turning his full attention back to her. “Find someone to cover for you tonight and then find me in the dungeon. We need to finish what we started Tuesday night.”
“Yes, Sir,” she responded automatically.
“Good girl.”
Before she could register the warm thrill of pleasure his praise sent through her, he was gone.