Page 23 of Risky Proposal
“What do we know?”
It was obvious by his tone that I was not talking to the man who had become an unlikely friend to my brother, but instead the cop who had a job to do. They had shown up with the ambulance, but I hadn’t listened to his discussion with Bear. I was too focused on Josie. However, I wasn’t surprised he’d shown up at the hospital. Calling the ambulance had opened the door to the police following up. This was going to make a stressful situation even worse for the club because they had a lot more people to explain shit to now.
Which meant Bear had a lot more to explain.
And I brought that directly to his door.
I looked behind him and saw Cam, Luke’s brother and a fellow cop, typing out something on his phone. “Nothing yet. We just got here.”
He jerked up his chin and walked to the nurse’s desk with me following him. “I’m Detective Luke Dimarco.” He pulled his badge from his pocket and laid it on the desk before she even asked. I guess Luke wasn’t messing around. He wanted information as quickly as he could get it. “I’m here regarding the woman who was just brought in.”
The nurse nodded. “We’re attempting to reach her mother now, as she is her emergency contact, but haven’t had much luck. I can only give information to family.”
“Not in this situation,” Luke answered. “She’s the victim of an attack, and the department is investigating, so I’ll need to know everything you know the minute you know it, and I’ll need to see her as soon as the doctor clears her for visitors.”
“Yes, sir—”
She was interrupted when a doctor appeared in the doorway and called out, “Family for Josie Carmichael.”
Luke walked quickly to him, and they spoke quietly for a moment before Luke came back to me. “They’re only letting me and Cam go in right now. Tell Bear when he gets here that as soon as I know anything at all, I’ll be out to talk to him.”
“Okay,” I replied quietly, but Luke had already turned and fell into step beside his brother to follow the doctor back down the hallway.
They’d only just disappeared behind those damn doors when I heard the whooshing sound of the automatic doors to the emergency department open behind me. Relief flooded me when I saw Bear and I walked quickly to him, threw my arms around his waist, and dropped my forehead to his chest.
“I can’t believe that happened to her,” I whispered. “And I put her in that situation.”
He wrapped his hands around my upper arms and gently moved me back until I could see his face. “Not your fault, Becs.”
I rolled my eyes and sniffed. “Come on, Bear, if I hadn’t brought her to the clubhouse, then none of this would’ve happened.”
“You thought it was safe,” Race said quietly, and my eyes shifted to see him now standing beside Bear. I hadn’t seen him come in, but then again, I hadn’t paid attention. “We all did.”
I was suddenly annoyed he was here to see me fail again. This was just another reminder that I was a screwup, and as nice as he was trying to be, I wanted to lash out at someone. I wanted to unload some of the anger I’d been keeping inside for weeks, not to mention the guilt I felt for bringing Josie to the clubhouse, and he was the perfect target. “I’m sure you wouldn’t have made a mistake like this, though, right, Race?”
Silence loomed and we watched each other. He didn’t respond, but I didn’t expect him to. He never really responded when I said something bitchy. He’d usually just watch me quietly. Sometimes he’d yell at me, like tonight, but more often, he would walk away. Arguing with someone was what you did because you cared, and he didn’t care enough to put in the effort.
Not about me anyway.
Bear laid his hand on my belly. “You need to stop worryin’. This baby should be your only concern.”
I broke my stare with Race and faced Bear, suddenly reminded of why we were here. “She’s gonna be okay, right?”
He glanced around the room, and that was when I knew that Bear was not going to make a promise he couldn’t keep. “Have you heard anything?”
I shook my head. “No, but Luke and Cam are back there. The doctor came out and asked for her family almost as soon as she was brought in. He agreed to talk to them because of their position with the police, but I haven’t seen anyone since.”
He frowned. “They denied you information?”
“Yeah. They said they could only release information to family, but then Luke explained the situation, and they went back down that hallway.” I pointed at that damn hallway that everyone seemed to enter, but nobody came back from.
“What do we do?” I inquired softly.
Bear exhaled heavily. “We wait.”
Nodding, I walked to the seats and sat facing the doors leading to wherever the hell they took Josie. Bear sat beside me, but Race paced behind us. I didn’t blame him. I felt that same nervous energy, and if my feet didn’t hurt so damn bad, I would’ve been pacing too.
Luckily, we didn’t have to wait long before Luke came out, saw us, and headed straight to Bear. We stood, and Race moved around the chairs until he stood beside me.