Page 24 of Risky Proposal
“How is she?” Bear asked, his voice tight.
“They’re putting her in a room. She’s pretty banged up, but nothing life-threatening,” Luke explained. “I’m leaving for tonight because she’s heavily sedated. I’ll be back tomorrow for her statement and to see if she wants to press charges.”
Bear frowned. “Got a feeling she will.”
“Why do you say that?”
“She’s not the kind of girl who will understand why she shouldn’t.”
Luke considered that, and I knew my brother respected him for it. Luke hadn’t grown up in the club. He had no ties or affiliations, but he trusted Bear to work with him for what was best for everyone involved.
Not many people in law enforcement showed that respect to an MC.
But I knew the Dimarco family, and they weren’t like most people, so I wasn’t surprised at all that Luke would have my brother’s back.
“Let’s meet tomorrow. We’ll both talk to her and then figure out the best course of action,” he offered.
Bear held out his hand. “Appreciate it.”
They shook hands, and after he walked away, Bear turned to face me. “I think you should go home and rest.”
“I want to wait with you.”
“There’s nothing more you can do tonight,” he pointed out. “She’s stable. I’m just gonna wait around and see if I can sweet-talk a nurse into letting me see her.”
I smiled softly, not doubting he’d do just that. “Okay.”
“Race’ll take you home.”
I was just about to say he didn’t need to when I realized I didn’t have my car or even my purse, so there was no way I could get home without him.
Leaning in, I wrapped my arms around Bear’s waist and hugged him tightly. “Will you let me know when she’s awake?”
He pulled back and looked down at me. “Yeah.” Turning us, he faced Race and swung his arm over my shoulders. “Can you stay at my place tonight until I get back?”
Race jerked up his chin. “Yep.”
“We’ve got church in the morning.” I shifted to the side when he dropped his arm and put his hands on his hips. “If I don’t make it back tonight. I’ll see you there.” Without waiting for Race to reply, he looked over at me. “If I’m not back by morning, Race will bring you to the clubhouse.” When I opened my mouth to respond, he held up a finger. “Don’t, Becs. That wasn’t a question.”
Knowing it was pointless, I didn’t respond. Bear was in full protection mode again, which meant we wouldn’t negotiate.
Race moved past Bear and slapped him on the shoulder before moving toward the door. I had no choice but to fall into step beside him. Honestly, after seeing what those bastards did to Josie, I didn’t want to be alone tonight.
But the flip side of that was the likelihood I was spending the night with Race.
Chapter 8
I took a deep breath when Becs climbed on the bike behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. She was a seasoned rider—hell, she could drive the bike if she wanted to—but I still wanted her to hold on like she needed me to keep her safe. My eyes flicked over everyone in the hospital’s parking lot before pulling out and heading toward Bear’s townhouse. I was surprised when she didn’t argue about wearing the helmet this time, but something told me tonight shook up Becs as much as it did all of us. The fear in her eyes said everything she couldn’t. As bad as the Widows have been over the years, they reached a new level of low tonight by attacking an innocent woman. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind if they’d had a chance to grab Becs instead, they would have.
The thought of Becs hurt and lying on the ground sent a chill through my body. The way the Widows were targeting us, there was a very real possibility that she was high on the list of people they would use to hurt Bear, Gunner, and the club. The attack tonight would change everything. I knew without a doubt that I was about to move from giving her rides occasionally to being a full-time bodyguard with my only reprieve while I was at work. Surprisingly, I wanted that. I wanted someone to try to get through me to get to her.
The Widows crossed a line tonight, and I wanted to personally handle them for scaring Becs as badly as they had.
Pulling up to a red light, I stopped and put my feet on the ground. Feeling someone’s eyes on me, I looked to the right and noticed a man in a Ferrari stopped beside us, but his eyes weren’t on me. They were on Becs. Anger tore through me when his attention stayed locked on her while I stared at him. Reaching my hand back, I laid my palm on her thigh, and watched his attention flick from her to me. I arched my eyebrow, daring the fucker to keep staring, but he didn’t. Instead, he turned toward the light, shifted, and tore through the intersection. Noticing the light was green, I put my feet up and pulled out, but I didn’t move my hand.
And I noticed she didn’t push it off.