Page 46 of Trusting Quin
I need to stop thinking we’ll get caught. We don’t look suspicious and I’m making sure I don’t act suspicious. When I look over at Quin and see how calm he is, I force myself to relax and steady my breathing to match his. It works fairly well and my heart rate doesn’t kick up until we pull into the parking lot of the hotel. Quin cuts the engine and turns to me. “I need you to be careful, boy. It’s not worth it if you’re in danger. I want you safe first and foremost. We can always find them later if things go south.”
“I know. I’m good.”
“Tell me the plan again.”
Even though we’ve been over it a few times, I repeat it back to him. “Knock on the door and when Tom answers, keep him talking long enough to give you time to get in through the bathroom window.”
“Very good, baby. If you can’t?”
This is when I roll my eyes, even though it’s not allowed. Quin knows this is a part of the plan I don’t agree with. “I drive to the strip mall down the street and wait for you to meet me there.” I don’t ask what if he can’t get away, because I don’t want to think about that.
Quin doesn’t let me not think about it. “And if I don’t come for you in an hour?”
Through clenched teeth, I say, “I’m to go back to the hotel, pack and buy a plane ticket back to Quebec.”
“Good boy,” he says, kissing my forehead. “Promise you’ll keep yourself safe.”
“I promise, Daddy. The same goes for you. You keep yourself safe. You remember you said you wouldn’t leave me? I’m holding you to that.”
“Good, because I’m not going anywhere.” Quin presses a fierce kiss to my lips and I return it just as urgently. It’s not like we’re going into battle, but we don’t know what we’re walking into.
When we break apart, I hop out of the car first, walking leisurely to the room like I have every right to be there. Pulling the cap down lower over my eyes, I knock on the door, humming a tune like my heart isn’t in my throat.
“Yeah?” a gruff voice asks behind the door and I have to fight not to vomit. I only heard him say one word when he cursed after tripping over Andler, but it’s him. The man with the syringe.
Shaking myself to calm down, I dip my voice and say, “Hey man, you got an ice bucket? Mine ain’t there and me and my lady friend want to have some fun, if you know what I mean.” I huff a laugh, hoping my comment put him at ease.
I hear rustling behind the door, then it’s pulled open only enough for the bucket to be squeezed through. “Here. I don’t need it.” He tries to shut the door, but I put my hand on it, then wonder why the fuck I did that.
To cover up that blunder, I say, “Wait a second.” He gives me a dirty look and I force a chuckle. “Wanna join in on the fun? She’s a good time and doesn’t mind having a third. She gets more wild when she has an audience.” I give him a lecherous smile, hoping he takes the bait and feeling sick about it.
“Nah man. She’s all—” His words are cut off as he slaps a hand over his neck and drops the ground, unconscious. I release a breath and push the door open wider, sliding inside. Quin is standing over him, looking disgusted. I feel the same way.
“She gets more wild …”Quin says in a high pitched, mocking voice. “The fuck was that about? And what were you and your lady planning to do with that ice bucket that was so fun?”
I whine. “I don’t know, Daddy. I had to think of something!” I suppose turnabout is fair play, so I walk over to him and rub against his side. “Imight get more wild with an audience too, you know. Wanna see?”
Quin grabs me by the throat and pulls me close to him, the leather of his gloves caressing my neck, our mouths inches apart. “I will gouge the eyes out of the man that sees you naked. Understand?”
Groaning and trying to remember why we’re here, I nod and kiss him quickly on the lips, then step back, trying to get my head back in the game. “What now?”
“Bring the car around and back it up to the door. I’ll dump him in the trunk. I jammed the camera as soon as we pulled up and it won’t start working again until we leave. No one will know we were here.”
God, I love his nerdy brain. “You’re so sexy when you’re telling me about jamming cameras.”
The grin he gives me is gentle and he shakes his head. “Yeah, so you’ve said. Come on. I’ll pack his shit and have it ready to toss inside. We’re only taking him a few miles down the road. It’s down some isolated roads with no CCTV, so we’ll be good.”
Tossing me the keys, Quin turns to grab Tom’s bags and I hustle to the car. Once I’ve backed in, I pop the trunk and hop out, eager to help Quin get Tom and his shit inside so we can go. I knock softly on the door and open it, making way for Quin who has Tom over his shoulder. He dumps him in the trunk, and I smile at the sound of bone hitting something metal and heavy inside. I unceremoniously throw his luggage over his body and slam the trunk shut. With that, Quin and I hop in the car, ready to take out the trash.
Chapter Seventeen
Itdoesn’ttakelongto get to the house my contact told me about. It’s a rundown piece of shit in the middle of nowhere. Perfect for what I have planned. Glancing over at Red, I see him biting his nails and running his hand through his hair repeatedly—after he removed the wig—making it stand on end in some areas.
Reaching across to him, I take his hand from his mouth and he looks at me quickly. “You can stay in the car. If you don’t want to see this, you don’t have to. You can trust that I’ll make sure he pays for what he did.”
Red doesn’t answer right away—he looks out the window, soaking in the surroundings. Finally, he says, “I think I’ll watch. But if I can’t handle it, I’ll leave. I promise.”