Page 47 of Trusting Quin
I kiss the back of his hand and loop my fingers through his. “You don’t have to prove anything to me, Red. I know you’re tough. I know you’re brave. Nothing will change if you want to sit in the car. You’re still responsible for these motherfuckers meeting their end, so you can take solace in that.”
Red was able to keep a cool head while he thought of a way to keep Thomas’s attention. He didn’t panic or freeze—he gave me the time I needed to get inside. My bulk made it a tight squeeze through that bathroom window, so I needed the extra time he provided me with. He had to be fucking terrified, but he did what needed to be done and I don’t think I could fall more in love with him if I tried.
Many people would talk a big game, but when it came down to it, they wouldn’t be able to think as quickly as my boy did. Him being brave is one of the reasons I fell in love with him.
“I want you to know, before we go in there and shit gets crazy …” I let my words trail off to make sure I have his undivided attention.
“Let me know what?”
“That I love you.” I glance over and see Red’s wide eyes and pale face through the darkness of the car.
“What?” Red’s voice is a whisper, like he’s afraid I’ll take it back if he speaks too loudly.
We’re approaching our turn, so I wait until I make the turn and pull in front of the run down shack that will be our work station for the evening. There are no other structures in sight. Perfect.
Putting the car in park, I look over at my boy to see he still has the same expression on his face as he had before—eyes peeled wide, mouth slightly open and face pale, except the bright pink spots on his cheeks. I rub my thumb over his blush and watch my boy shiver and close his eyes. “I said I love you. I’minlove with you. You’re the perfect boy. The perfect man. More perfect than I deserve, but I’m not letting you get away from me. You’re smart, funny, brave, bratty,” Red huffs a laugh at that and shakes his head, biting his lip and looking at me through his lashes. Grabbing him by the back of the neck, I pull him to me, resting my forehead against his. “You’re who I’ve been hoping for and more. You’re mine, Red. And I love you.”
Hearing his sniffles has me pulling back and I see a few tears dripping from his eyes. He chuckles and wipes at his face. “Fuck, Daddy. I love you, too. More than I probably should since we’ve only been together for what? Two months? Is that insane? Are we insane?”
“If loving you is insane, then get me a straitjacket.”
Red laughs and kisses me hard. When he pulls back, he says, “You’re so corny.” That makes me laugh with him and we take some time to explore each other’s mouths. I’ll never get enough of kissing and loving my boy. When I say he’s mine, I mean it. He belongs with me and I’ll show him every day that we’ll always fit.
When I’ve had my fill of his tongue, I pull away and kiss his nose. “Come on. We have some work to do. Don’t forget to put on your gloves.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Red murmurs, voice sounding shaky. I don’t repeat that he can stay in the car. Red knows what he wants. One thing about my boy is he never does something he doesn’t want to do. If he feels like it’s too much, he’ll step out, but he said he needs to do this. I won’t take that from him.
I watch him slide on the gloves and flex his fingers. He looks at me and nods and I nod back, happy they fit comfortably. We picked them up yesterday so we don’t run the risk of leaving nitrile gloves or pieces of one behind.
Climbing out of the car, I walk to the trunk and open it quickly. Thomas is still passed out, the dose of animal tranquilizer still working through his system. Pulling him from the trunk, I drop him to the ground with no regard to any injuries he’ll suffer and I drag him by his collar into the shack. Red brings up the rear with the zip ties, tape and a metal folding chair from the back of the car. After dropping everything inside, he scurries back out to the car for the gas and matches.
The plan is to kill Thomas, set the shack on fire with his body in it and call in a tip. There aren’t any trees close enough to the shack that will ignite and cause a wildfire, so we’re in the clear there. This way, we make sure he’s taken care of and there’s no evidence left behind. We have on gloves and I plan to wipe everything down, but it’s better safe than sorry.
Tying Thomas down takes no time at all and by the time I apply the duct tape to his mouth, he’s coming around. Good, time to get this show on the road.
Red stands in the corner by the door, arms wrapped around himself and he’s worrying the shit out of his lip. “Come here,” I beckon, holding my arms out to him. Red walks over to me quickly, melting into my embrace. Pushing his hair back from his forehead, I kiss him there and tilt his head up so he meets my eyes. “It’s okay to not be okay. You’re here with me. No need to be afraid of him.”
“I’m not afraid of him, Quin. Just feeling a little out of sorts since I know you’re going to shoot him. Is it as loud as the movies?”
I shrug. “It can be. I don’t have to do it.”
Red tilts his head to the side and thinks. “No, I want you to. Just to see what it’s like.”
“Whatever you want, baby boy.”
I hug him and we stand there until we hear movement behind us. Thomas is shaking his head, trying to clear it and pulling against the zip ties. The metal chair isn’t that sturdy, so he wobbles a bit at first, then more as he pulls harder.
Letting me go, Red steps back to the corner and that catches Thomas’s attention. He pulls against the zip ties and shouts behind the tape. His neck strains and his chest pumps rapidly. I look on with what I know is a bored expression. There were marks like this when I worked for Savage, trying to get out of the shit they got themselves into and I always grew bored of their hysterics.
Walking over to him, I reach to pull the tape from his mouth, but he leaps forward as if to tackle me to the ground. Unfortunately for him, how I zip tied his ankles to the chair has him toppling over before he can cause any damage and there’s no way to break his fall. He falls on his face and I hear the curse and groan behind the tape. Rolling my eyes, I give him a swift kick in the gut before I set him upright.
Bending in front of him, I grab his face and pull it around so he’s looking at me. “Try that dumb shit again and I’ll put a bullet between your eyes. Nod so I know you understand.” He nods frantically, probably thinking if he does what I tell him, I’ll let him go. Not fucking likely. He tried to take what’s mine. He was dead when he made that decision.
I rip the tape off quickly and Thomas shouts and curses. Standing to my full height, I hover over him, waiting for the begging to start. It doesn’t take long. “Listen man, whatever you want, I’ll get it for you. Is it money? I have money. I have a lot of money. And not the accounts the news knows about. I have four million in an account in the Cayman Islands. I can give you the account number and you can take it all. Just let me go.”
Before I can say no, Red moves forward and says, “Give me the account number now. And it better be legit.” I give him a questioning look and he walks over to me. Bending down, I feel Red’s soft breath on my skin before he whispers, “We can send that money to the survivors. They deserve it.” Smiling, I give him a quick kiss and he steps back.
Thomas is nodding and he rattles off the banking routing number and account number. I send Red out to get my secure laptop so I can check to see if he’s telling the truth. When it’s in front of me, I tell Red to keep an eye on Thomas and I put the information that he gave us into a secure site and see a little over four million in the account. I transfer the money to one of my Swiss bank accounts, close the laptop and give it back to Red. He takes it back to the car and I wait for him to return before I address Thomas again.