Page 29 of Possessing Eden
It seems to take a few seconds for my words to kick in, but the moment they do Mr. Business Card starts to choke. “What?!”
“You should probably get tested. My last two Johns weren’t the… cleanest.”
Leaving him to chew on that, I stalk angrily back to the bar.
Knowing there’s a huge chance I’m going to get fired tonight.
And it probably wasn’t worth it.
But fuck… a girl can only take so much.
Especially when they spank me without permission.
“Where’s Rodney?” I ask Lana.
Leaning against the counter again with a frown, she blinks at me as if she’s coming out of deep thought. “He had to get something in his office.”
I nod and turn in that direction.
“Wait…” Lana says, her gaze narrowing in suspicion. “What did you do this time?”
When I keep walking and don’t answer, she calls out behind me, “Girl, if he asks for a blow job, you better give it to him this time! I’m sick of saving your ass!”
The hell I will.
Rodney can ask all he wants, but he and I both know he can’t treat me like the other girls.
Not when he owes my uncle something he can’t pay back.
Sure, he can fire me, and he’ll probably use what I’ve done tonight as the excuse he’s been looking for to do it, but there will be repercussions.
I just need to remind him of that.
Reaching the door to his office, I stop and take a second to figure out my plan.
Located down a small, private hallway near the bar, the area is secluded and quiet. The music coming from the stage muffled by extra thick walls.
Giving me a moment of peace to get my thoughts in order.
Once I have what I’m going to say to keep my job figured out, I take a deep breath and knock on the door.
A minute or two passes but there’s no answer.
Only eerie quiet.
Stepping closer to the door, I listen closely and hear faint, muffled voices.
Is he with one of the girls?
Ugh. I wouldn’t put it past him.
Not wanting to walk in on something I really don’t want to see, I knock again.
If my circumstances weren’t so damn dire, I’d give up and wait until tomorrow to speak with him. Unfortunately, I can’t risk him hearing from the customer first and barring me from the premises.
I need to nip this in the bud now to keep it from becoming a major pain in my ass.
My uncle is already pissed that I haven’t made any progress. Apparently, whoever hired him is putting some serious pressure on him. If he finds out I’m fired, he might fire me himself.