Page 30 of Possessing Eden
And then everything will be for nothing.
When there’s no answer again, I decide to take my chances and open the door.
Bracing myself for the sight of something unpleasant, I take a deep breath and step into the office.
Technically a two-room suite, Rodney has styled the front of his office as a lounge area with a small bar and a couple of big white leather couches. Often encouraging the dancers and servers to use the space whenever we need to relax.
Never mind the obvious cameras disguised as bottles on the bar, their small red lights glowing in warning.
You’d think he’d at least be smart enough to tape those over…
Or maybe he thinks we’re all so stupid we wouldn’t notice?
Even if there weren’t cameras, you wouldn’t catch me dead in here.
I’ve been in this office once, during my first interview, and haven’t been back since.
Shuddering a little at the memory, I glance at the empty room and frown.
“Please don’t do this…” Rodney whimpers from the other room. “I’ll pay him back, I swear!”
Someone clicks their tongue against the roof of their mouth. “Now what did I say about spitting out the gag, Rodney? We don’t want to disturb any of the customers. That would be bad for business.”
“I’m good for the money! I just need a few weeks to get it together!”
“As I’ve already explained, it’s too late for that.”
“If you keep it up, we’ll have to take you to the warehouse. And if we take you to the warehouse, this will turn into an all-night affair. Wouldn’t you rather get this over with?”
Rodney whimpers again, and the sound is so disturbing I find myself walking towards it. My curiosity getting the better of me.
What on earth could make him sound like that?
“I asked you a question, Rodney.”
“Ow! Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Yes! I mean, no! No! I don’t want that!”
Nearly reaching the doorway that leads into the office, I see Rodney sitting at his desk with three men standing around him.
Three men whose faces I’ve been memorizing from their pictures for weeks.
Their names come to me instantly though I’ve never seen them in the flesh.
Uriel, Nathaniel, and Jude.
Realizing if I can see them, they might be able to see me, I quick-step to the side.
Plastering myself up against the wall, I hold my breath.
“Which is it?” someone asks, sounding bored with the whole situation. “Here or the warehouse?”
“Here!” Rodney cries out.
“Good choice.”