Page 57 of Don't Let Me Break
I’m working until 9, but after that, I’ll probably go to bed.
Any chance you’d want to stay up late tonight?
Depends on what you have in mind.
I hit send before I can talk myself out of it, well aware of how much I’m playing with fire.
You’re gonna get burned, I remind myself as I watch the little blue bubbles blip on the screen. Macklin’s replying.
I may have convinced Mama Taylor to share her cookie recipe. Want to give it a try?
“Kate,” a sharp, feminine voice snaps behind me. My phone slips from my fingers, clattering to the ground as I jump in surprise. Turning around, I find Hazel clutching her stomach and laughing over my reaction.
“Dammit, Hazel,” I scold. “You scared the crap out of me.”
“Yeah, but you should’ve seen your face.” She bends down and picks up my phone, handing it to me.
Anxiety knots my throat as I take it from her grasp and shove it into my back pocket, praying she didn’t notice her father’s name plastered across my screen.
“Thought we weren’t supposed to have our phones out,” she teases.
“Yeah, well. Do as I say, not as I do,” I quip, walking with her toward the hostess stand.
“Speaking of advice,” Hazel replies. “Any chance I can pick your brain for a few minutes?”
“Uh, sure. Go ahead.”
“It’s about a guy.”
I grimace as her father’s face pops into my head. “Pretty sure I’m the last person you should ask for relationship advice.”
“Whatever.” She waves me off. “Wes is hot, and since he’s clearly still drooling over you despite the breakup, I’m going to say you’re the perfect person for relationship advice.”
“He hasn’t been drooling over me,” I argue, picking at a piece of lint on my apron.
“He’s been in here three times this week. If that isn’t drooling, I don’t know what is.”
“Okay, fine,” I mutter, giving in and folding my arms. Anything to end this conversation as quickly as possible. “What’s your question?”
“How long do you usually wait before going all the way?”
My eyes pop. “I’m sorry, what?”
“You know. Sex. How long do you wait before getting down and dirty? I had a bad experience last year and would like tonotrepeat it, ya know?”
“Uh, I don’t…”Please don’t blush. Please don’t blush. Please don’t blush.“I don’t know?” I offer.
“The last guy you were interested in…,” Hazel prods, “how long did you wait?”
“Technically, I’m still waiting.” The words slip out of me before I can stop them, and the blood drains from my face.
“Hold up. There’s anewguy?” Hazel demands, grabbing my arm. “Is that why you were texting at work?” Her expression lights up. “I’m impressed. Who is he?”