Page 58 of Don't Let Me Break
“Uh, no one.”
“Liar.” She lets me go and taps her finger against her chin. “Is he cute? I bet he’s cute. What’s his name?”
“We’re just friends,” I rush out. “And I mean it literally. I’m not ready for anything more.”
“Aww.” Her head bobs up and down in understanding. “Good for you. Is he a nice guy?”
“Yeah, he’s pretty great. But like I said, we’re just friends.”
“Friends who want to see each other naked?” She bounces her eyebrows like she couldn’t be happier for me, but I shake my head.
If only you knew.
My mouth opens, but I close it again like a fish out of water, unsure what the heck I’m supposed to say.
Hey, girl. I kinda wanna screw your dad. Hope it’s not a problem or anything.
Thankfully, the girl has the attention span of a gnat and waves me off. “Anyway, I’ve been talking to this guy for a few weeks now, and we’ve basically done everything but the actual deed. My dad was kind of old school and taught me I shouldn’t be doing any of that unless I’m in a committed relationship, and even though he was kind of an asshat, I can’t get the idea out of my head, ya know? Especially after my last experience, when the guy finally got what he wanted and ghosted me. So, long story short, what would you do?”
If Hazel was anyone else, I’d have my answer locked and loaded. But at the mention of her dad, I’m speechless. Is this crossing a line? Should we even be talking? It feels wrong. Keeping this from her. Even if it isn’t a big deal,––and it reallyisn’ta big deal––it still feels like she deserves to know. But if she wanted to know anything about her dad, she’d keep the door open and actually talk to him. So, where does it leave me?
And what if I didn’t know who her dad was? What if we were having this conversation before I met Mack? What would I tell her?
“Seriously, what would you do if you were me?” Hazel prods.
“Honestly?” I start. “I think your dad makes a good point. Being in a committed relationship is probably the smarter route to take. But even more importantly, I think you need to make sure you’re both on the same page, whatever the page is.”
“Good idea.”
“Have you talked to the guy about it at all? Not like a define-the-relationship talk or anything, but has he hinted he wants a relationship, or is he only looking for a good time?”
She hesitates, clicking her long, pointy nails against the hostess stand, lost in thought.
“I think he’d potentially be interested in a relationship,” she decides. “I’m not sure if I even want to be in a committed relationship anytime soon. But I like spending time with him, and I asked if he was talking with anyone else, and he said no, so that’s good, right?”
“Yeah, I think it’s really good.”
“Okay, good. So…kind of feel it out?”
“Yeah. But make sure you’re safe. And make sure you both agree on what you want. Because there’s nothing wrong with a solid no-strings-attached hookup, but if you guys are both looking for different things during said hookup, the outcome will be messy. And trust me. Even the best sex of your life isn’t worth the mess. Make sense?”
“Yeah.” She hesitates, her fingernails clicking against the stand a little faster. “Yeah, I get it. Thanks, Kate.”
Anna walks toward us, her gaze flitting over the empty restaurant as I prepare myself for a lecture about how we should be working instead of standing around. Instead, she finds Hazel and announces, “It’s dead. Go home. We’ll see you tomorrow, Hazel.”
“Oh. Okay. Thanks.” As Anna walks away, Hazel rummages through the stand and grabs her purse and keys. “Well. Looks like I’m off for the night. Thanks again for your advice.”
“No problem, Hazel.”
“And one more thing.” She pauses. “I think you should take your own advice. Don’t be afraid to feel out what you and your new mystery man want. You deserve to be happy.”
“Thanks, Hazel.”
“Sure thing.” She wiggles her fingers back and forth, her finger looped in her key ring. “See you later.”