Page 63 of Let Me Love You
“Come on.” He tugs me toward the bedroom. “The limo’s here.”
“I promised I’d distract you for the night, didn’t I?”
“You only voiced the promise a few minutes ago. How did you plan for a limo?”
“Guess it proves how well I know what you need, huh?” He quirks his brow and presses his hand to my lower back. “Now come on. I’m tempted to mess up your dress and makeup.”
* * *
Buchanan wasn’t kidding.If this isn’t a formal party, I don’t know what is. Apparently, he flew out the newest recruits after the draft and invited a bunch of press to cover the Lions’ event.
Trays of hors d'oeuvres are balanced on caterers’ arms as they weave through the throngs of people. An open bar is set up along the back wall, and a stage is on the opposite side, along with a small stand and microphone used for speeches.
It’s weird being here. Like everything is normal. Like the upcoming season is the main thing on our minds instead of the life-altering paternity results hanging over our heads.
But I should enjoy this. This moment. I should soak it up, committing everything to memory. The cream-colored table cloths. The crystal chandeliers overhead. The soft music. It took a lot to get here, but he did it. Colt did it. He really did it.
I look at Colt and smile, cherishing the moment. His hair is pushed away from his face as if he’s been running his hand through it as he orders our drinks from the bar across the room. Once we arrived, Blake demanded Theo and her brother get our drinks, then carted me to our table. Thankfully, our assigned seats are next to each other. Macklin and Kate are also here, but they’re at a different table, surrounded by other staff members and their significant others.
“How are you doing?” Blakely asks me as I stare at my man across the room.
“Kind of an emotional wreck,” I admit with a dry laugh. “How are you?”
“If I say good, will you be mad at me?”
I laugh a little harder and shake my head. “Not at all.”
“Good,” she replies. “You look hot, by the way.”
“Thanks.” I look down at my dress and turn back to Blake. Her slinky black dress shows off her curves and toned shoulders, making the rest of us look like couch potatoes. But her smile? The rosiness in her cheeks? She’s happier than I’ve ever seen her. “You look hot too. And happy.”
Blakely practically preens and sits up more in her chair. “I do, don’t I?”
With another laugh, I reach for the glass of water on the table and take a sip as a couple of strangers approach our table.
“Hey, chickadees,” one of them greets me. She’s gorgeous. With shoulder-length pink hair, brown eyes, and tattoos covering both arms, I’m reminded of Mia and decide I’m going to like her almost instantly.
“Hi,” I return.
“I’m Melissa. Nice to meet you.”
“You too,” Blake replies. The man beside her leans in and kisses her cheek. “I’ll be back in a minute. Gonna grab our drinks from the bar. Do you want a Coke Zero?”
“Yes, please,” she returns, peeking up at him. “Thanks.”
A soft sigh escapes her as she watches her date walk toward the bar, and she turns to us again. “Those hockey players…”
“We know,” I say, exchanging a knowing look with Blake. Yeah. They might be the death of us one day, but what a way to go.
“So, who are you here with?” she asks, taking a seat across from us.
“I’m here with Colt Thorne,” I answer.
“And I’m here with Theodore Taylor,” Blakely adds.
“Ah, the LAU duo. They’re good,” she notes. “This is their first year playing in the NHL, right?”