Page 21 of Killian
We all laugh, knowing Liv is right, if we even gave a hint of an indication, we wanted them to destroy the world they would do it. Without question.
“I’ve lived in this world longer than you guys. I mean my Da wouldn’t even let me leave the house half the time. So, I’m used to men being possessive, protective and controlling. Finn has me wrapped in cotton wool, even more so since Lennon. But I thought after I shot Anjelica that he’d ease up a little, give me a little space to breathe, and trust that I can handle myself. But all it did was make him even more protective. It’s infuriating so right now I know how much you need the space from Killian. But I also know that you need the space from us and from this world. You made a mistake lying to him, but you already know that. You don’t need anyone reminding you.” Cara gets up from her chair and walks around my desk, wrapping her arms around me from behind, she places her chin on the top of my head.
“Take the space that you need. Finn and I will move in with Mary, I’ll make sure that I’m always with Mary or Nora which will free up a couple of my security team so they can be placed on your detail. You can have your space from us for a little while, but I need you to keep the security. Ok?” I nod, tears falling. She is so young, but she gets this life more than we do. “Thank you, Cara. Thank you for doing that and for understanding exactly what I need.”
* * *
Five hours later, and I’m exhausted, my meeting went great and I now have a brand new client on my books. Killian had called me not long after the girls had left. I didn’t answer but he didn’t expect me to. He’d left a voicemail saying he’d spoken to Cara and while he wasn’t happy he understood and would agree to the space for a few days. Hearing him sound so sad and hurt on the phone almost had me calling him back to say I would come home. But Cara was right. I do need the space. Just a few days to clear my head and get it on straight.
I’m so lost in my thoughts, that it’s a while before I realise, I’m being followed. I glance in my rear-view mirror clocking the car. I’ve seen it before, it has been parked outside of work for the last week. I know it’s not one of the security teams that’s been assigned to me. Killian sent me everyone’s details and this car doesn’t match. I increase my speed slightly, then take a sharp left. “Shit” Checking my rear-view I see the car still behind me. I take the next right, then the next left, then another left, then another right. Checking my mirror I think for a moment I’ve lost him. But just as I decrease my speed I see the car round the corner. Knowing I need to lose this guy I increase my speed then make a quick right then turn my car around, as I make my way back out of the street I just turned down I see the cars of Killian’s men and Maxims, they speed toward the car that has been following me. As I turn left back out of the street the other team flanks me on my right. I look across at the driver I can’t even remember his name, but I see the look of worry in his eyes. He gives me a chin lift and I nod assuming he’s asking if I’m ok. He gives me a nod and then points ahead to let me know to keep going. I take a quick glance in my rearview, but he beeps his horn I look over and he shakes his head then points in front of him again. I give him one final nod then head back the way I came making my way to my apartment.
I pull up outside looking behind me just as some of my team park up. They both get out of the car and head toward me. “Are you ok?” The younger one asks as he approaches me. I nod and let out a breath. “We need to call this in, go on up. The place was cleared just before we got here.”
I say my goodbyes to the guys then head up ready for a glass of wine and a bath. I’m exhausted, today was busy, and that car chase was a little too scary.
The hairs start to prickle on my arms, I glance up but see nothing. Suddenly sensing I’m not alone I turn to make my way back outside to where the security team are but someone grabs my arms and pulls me back. I stumble slightly but they catch me pulling my back into their chest.
“Get the fuck off me,” I yell trying to pull away from them, but they clamp their hands over my mouth. “Shut up you fucking bitch.” He hisses into my ear. I drop my bag and the contents spill down the stairs as I try to fight my way out of his arms. I break free pushing him away from me. I freeze on the stairs as I hear gunshots ring out from just outside the building. Fear grips me and panic sets in, I don’t know which way to run, and I scream as I feel two strong hands push me from behind and I fall down the stairs. I hit the bottom and my eyes start to blur. I blink trying to focus as I see two sets of feet walk toward me and I can hear muffled voices. I feel someone grab my arm and push me onto my back, but before I get a look at them everything goes black and I pass out.
Chapter 24
I sit outside the house waiting for Nora. I sent her a message to let her know I was outside. I really don’t want to be around anyone. If I hadn’t of already promised her I would take her to grab some things for the kids I wouldn’t even be here.
“Thank you for this Killian.” I smile at her as she climbs into the car and buckles up.
I smile. “No problem. Are the kids ok with Ma?”
She chuckles and looks back at the house before turning to me. “Yeah. They love your Ma. And RJ finally feels comfortable enough to leave mine and his sister’s side.”
I pull out into traffic making sure not to cut in or move too fast so our security team can stay close. I glance over at Nora and notice she’s twisting her fingers in her lap. I reach over and grab her hands giving them a gentle squeeze before putting my hands back on the steering wheel.
“Where to first?”
* * *
We’ve only been out for two hours, but I can see Nora is getting tired. I pay for everything she picked out and then signal for my guys to come grab the items we purchased before guiding her back out to the car. “Killian, I can pay for all of that stuff you know. I don’t need you to give me handouts.”
I open her car door but grab her before she gets in. “You’re family Nora, those kids are family. You’ve done everything yourself for the last what two years.” I kiss the top of her head then gently push her to get in the car.
We drive for twenty minutes in complete silence. But I can tell there is something on her mind. I pull up outside the restaurant and shut off the engine. “You still like pizza?”
“I do. Although I prefer burger and fries.”
“Good thing they also do the best burger in the city here too. Let’s go grab something to eat and we can talk.” She swallows but gives me a smile and a nod.
I watch her walk to the bathroom after we place our orders. She’s seemed off since I paid for the furniture and clothes for the kids. I take a drink of my water as she takes a seat back at the table. “Nora, I’m sorry if you think that I overstepped paying for everything…”
“Killian. It’s not that, you didn’t overstep. It’s just that, well… I’m sorry that I kept the kids from you. I’m sorry that you all missed out on the pregnancy and watching them grow. I know that you guys must hate me for it, but I promise I never did it to hurt you in any way. I did it because Rory asked me to…”
I place my hand over hers to stop her from talking. “I get it. We all get it Nora. You don’t have to apologise for anything. We know you only did what he asked. I’ll never understand why he didn’t think he could trust us to keep you safe, but I do understand why you stayed away. Me buying things wasn’t to make you feel bad. We all talked about it, and we want to do this for you for those babies. You’ve not had the easiest of rides this last couple of years. Everything you did, you did alone with two kids in tow. We just wanted to do something for you, we talked about buying you a house when you were ready, but Liv explained that would be a step too far. She said that you were way too independent to accept something as big as that. Nora, we just want to take care of you like we do all of the O’Farrell women.”
I see the tears pool in her eyes, as she does her best to stop them from falling.
“I’m not an O’Farrell Killian…”
“Yeah, Nora. You are. You’ve always been one ever since the day Rory met you. Never forget that.”
“Thank you.”