Page 22 of Killian
“Thanks,” we both say as the server places our food down in front of us.
I tell her about the argument Bella and I had, and she tells me about RJ and Shannon, and about the birth. She makes it clear that she was safe, and she never felt alone. Not once.
“Killian, can I ask you a question?”
I stop eating my burger. “Of course?”
“Do you really think that Rory asked me to leave and stay hidden because he didn’t trust you to protect us?”
I take a small drink of water and then look around the restaurant before turning back to her. “Well. Yes, I do. I think we all do.”
I get up and move to sit next to her when I see her cry. “That’s not why at all Killian. There had been a direct threat to me, they didn’t know I was pregnant, but they knew that I was with Rory. They threatened my life. Rory asked me to stay away because he was so worried about you guys having too many people to take care of. He knew there was a war coming, and that you didn’t have all the answers. He didn’t want you guys to be distracted worrying about me when you needed to focus on the trouble that was brewing. He felt so guilty bringing me into the fold after they threatened me. The stress of worrying about you guys and me was weighing heavily on him.”
She grabs her water and takes a large drink then turns back to me. “Killian. He knew. He knew he was going to die, he’d known for days. We’d talked about it, and I begged him to tell you guys the danger he was in, but he said that you had enough going on and didn’t need to worry about him. He said he was digging in places he knew he shouldn’t be. But he wanted to make sure that you guys had everything you needed to take Liam out. It was never about him not trusting you could keep me safe, he knew you could do that. It was about him ensuring that you guys were safe and focused on what you needed to be until you had the answers you needed.”
“I always believed that he didn’t reach out, didn’t tell us about you because he believed that we… that I couldn’t protect you. That I couldn’t protect him. I always thought that he didn’t trust us.”
She throws down some bills onto the table and stands to leave. “Come on, people are looking. Let’s go talk in the car.” I grab my phone and follow her out of the restaurant. When we are both sat in the car she turns to face me.
“Look at me.”
I turn in my seat to face her.
“He was so proud of you. Even more so after he read your Da’s journals. None of them ever knew how hard you had it growing up. How much your Da tried to force you to distance yourself from your brothers. You were his hero Killian. You gave everything to everyone else and never took anything for yourself. He said you were a natural-born leader but hated that you had no confidence in yourself.” I watch the biggest smile come across her face.
“He told me, that you and Bella were the King and Queen of this Syndicate. He only ever wanted the best for you all. And he believed the best way to give you that was to put his life on the line. You need to lead this Syndicate the way you see fit, the way you want to lead. It’s yours Killian. And as for Bella. She’s angry and hurt. She knows her Da is a dick, but she doesn’t need it shoved in her face. Give her a few days space then go apologise and claim your woman.”
I let out a breath then nod, “thank you, Nora.” I turn in my seat and start the engine. My heart feels heavy, but full at the same time. I finally feel at peace knowing that Rory did trust me, and him not telling us or sending Nora away had nothing to do with the fact that he didn’t think we couldn’t protect them. He just didn’t want to split our focus any more than it already was.
Nora unbuckles her belt, opening the door she turns to me. “I thought the kids would be all over Ronan, given how much he looks like Rory. But I don’t know if you’ve noticed, RJ watches your every move. Every step you take, every movement you make, every word out of your mouth my son takes note. You may not realise it Killian, but he looks up to you. And you’re the only one of the brothers who he has fallen asleep with.” She reaches across the console placing a gentle kiss on my cheek before getting out and leaving me there in shock.
Chapter 25
“Finn. Are you at the club?”
“Yeah. What’s up?”
I tap my steering wheel waiting for the light to change. “We have a delivery coming in about an hour that I forgot about. Can you deal with it? The order details should be on my desk. I know they said we would be short one crate of beer, but I can’t remember which one…”
“Jesus Connor. Cara is gonna kill me. I promised her I would be home by now. You can explain to her tonight at dinner why I was late helping her pack my shit to move into Ma’s. Where are you anyway?”
“Erm… actually I’m headed to meet Alex for coffee that I’m already late for. I’ll see you later.” I hear him laugh down the phone before I hang up. Little fucker knows she’s gonna be pissed and I’m gonna get a mouthful for being late. Again.
I turn onto the street where she works, but just as I’m about to turn off the engine someone catches my eye across the road. I sit taller in my seat when I see Vincenzo getting into a black BMW. “Fuck.”
I hit speed dial on my phone as I pull out into traffic to follow him.
“Connor if you’re call…”
“Angel. I’m not gonna make it. Call my brothers. Tell them to track me. I’m tailing Vincenzo.”
“Oh, God. Connor, please don’t, not when you’re alone. Let him go.”
“Listen to me Angel, I’m not alone. My security team are right behind me. But I have to follow him. We can’t lose him again. Trust me baby I’ll be ok. Just call my brothers.”
“Ok. Be careful. I love you, Connor.”
“I love you too Angel.”