Page 30 of Killian
“Either get on board or get the fuck out of my way boy. You knew what was coming. You signed up for this life. You can’t suddenly grow a conscience now. Children have never been off limits. They make us a lot of money, and those kids, they are gonna make us rich.”
Thankfully I don’t have a chance to respond before the door flies open, hitting the back wall. We both turn to see Bella’s father standing in the doorway.
“I want to see my daughter. Right now.”
Nobody demands anything from my father and gets away with it. Fear runs through me as I turn toward Michael. His face is red from rage, but he lets out a heavy sigh and gives him a nod. I’m shocked that he agreed, I’m shocked that he didn’t argue, or fight. Hell, I’m shocked that he didn’t pull a gun on him.
“She is upstairs, stubborn little bitch that she is. I will allow you to see her Hank. But don’t ever come into my office demanding things like this again. Liam will take you to her I have somewhere to be. Is the lawyer with you?”
Hank steps aside giving us a view of the lawyer waiting in the hall.
My father gets up from his chair, he places his gun in the waistband of his trousers and fastens his suit jacket. Hank takes a step to the side letting my father lead the way, but the moment I go to follow him Hank steps in front of me taking the lead while the lawyer follows us both upstairs.
Her father walks through her bedroom door, followed by myself then the lawyer. She stands from the bed folding her arms over her chest. She’s tough, she’s defiant. If I wasn’t so fixated on Alex, I’d enjoy taking Bella.
“We need to talk Isabella.” Hank steps toward her ready to place a hand on her shoulder, but she raises one eyebrow, and he takes a step back. I let out a chuckle the take a step toward her.
“Bella. Your father would like something from you. As long as you do as you are told you will be safe.”
She scoffs then climbs back onto the bed, sliding up to the top resting her back on the headboard. “You’re all fucked. And I’m going to enjoy watching my man drain the life from each of you.”
Her father pales as she turns to him. He thought that she would cave the moment she saw him, but it only made her resolve that little bit stronger. It only made her hate him even more.
Chapter 33
I hold on to Maddie. Using her to keep me grounded as I watch Liv move around the kitchen. Ever since her call last night my demon has been sitting dangerously close to the surface, but I’ve managed to hold him at bay despite what went down at the club and then being so close to Vincenzo.
When I lost Rory, I thought I would lose myself to that darkness. He knew how to anchor me, how to bring me back when I couldn’t see a way out. He was the only one that could. Until Liv. And Maddie. I rest my cheek on her head and breathe in the smell of her strawberry shampoo. Like her mother she grounds me, my love for them, the need to protect them is what holds my demon back. I know that I can’t completely lose myself around them. When I’m doing business I can’t have them with me, so I take a piece of them everywhere I go. A hair tie of Liv’s is always around my wrist, right under my watch. And I keep a mini unicorn in my pocket that Maddie gave to me. They are my anchors even when they are nowhere near.
We took Vincenzo to the warehouse last night. Stripped him and strung him up, then I spent the night watching him. Listening to him whine like a little bitch. If I hadn’t of had those things with me, I might have killed him before we’d gotten any answers.
I came home early this morning when Ma called to let me know that Maddie was awake, and Liv wasn’t back. My woman was fine, cleared by the docs as having a few cuts and bruises and suffering from slight shock. But she refused to leave Dan and the others at the hospital until she knew that they were gonna be ok. She’s been home less than thirty minutes, but she won’t sit down, she says she needs to keep busy. So, I sit and watch her as she helps Ma make dinner for everyone. She turns her head a little over her shoulder to look at me. She knows I’m watching her she can always sense it.
“Liv. You’re back. How are you sweetheart?” Connor walks through the door and heads straight for her wrapping his arms around her and placing a kiss on her forehead.
“I’m ok Connor thank you.” She gives me a quick wink before turning back to help Ma with the dinner. “Hey princess.” Connor greets Maddie as he takes a seat at the table.
“We need to talk after lunch brother.”
I nod then focus my attention back on Liv. I lick my lips as my eyes settle on her arse. She’s wearing a pair of navy leggings that show off just how incredible her arse really is. Her black bra is visible through her white t-shirt. Even when she’s casual she looks incredible.
“What the hell was that for?” I bite out turning to Connor after he hits me across the back of the head. Maddie giggles at us and I find myself smiling a little.
“I saw where your mind was going. You don’t have time for that.” I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair. He’s right, as much as I’d like to take her upstairs and fuck her, I don’t have time right now.
* * *
“Seamus and his men are at the warehouse watching over Vincenzo. I left him there before Alex and I came back for dinner. We need to decide what we’re going to do with him.” Connor sits in the chair at the desk, his eyes flicking between Finn, and I.
Sighing I tip my head back. “I want my pound of flesh from him, but this kill doesn’t belong to any of us. Killian should be here for this.”
“Agreed. But he’s not, he’s off somewhere letting his demon rule his emotions when he should be here with us. Leaning on us.”
“Look Con.” Finn gets up and heads to the cabinet with the whiskey, grabbing three glasses he pours us each three fingers and passes them around. “I get it, we all do. But you out of all of us are the only one who has any sort of idea of how he feels. We all have our own ways of dealing with things. And this is how he deals. I can’t even begin to imagine how much pain he’s in right now. He’s out there shedding blood because that is the one thing that he has control over right now.” Draining his glass, he pours himself another before taking a seat.
“I know where he is,” I state just above a whisper.
“What?” Finn looks at me confused.