Page 31 of Killian
“You’ve been tracking him?” Connor leans forward in his chair, he sounds a little impressed and I feel insulted that he thinks I couldn’t do it.
“Of course, I have. I’ve been tracking him since the moment he left. I can’t understand the pain that he’s in, but I do know how he’ll feel when his demon rests. I know that despite the fact everyone he’s killed will have deserved it he’ll feel like he’s drowning with the idea of what he’s done. The guilt he’ll feel about shutting himself off will eat away at him. He’ll need someone around him who can guide him through those feelings, someone he can talk to that understands it all.”
“Don’t. I know we each have our own demons, a darkness that if let loose could consume us. Believe me when I tell you that you are lucky you’ve never experienced completely losing yourself. And while it can be dangerous it’s good that Kill has Maxim watching out for him.”
I take another sip of the whiskey draining my glass then tipping it toward Finn for a refill. He rolls his eyes but gets up and pours me another.
“I’ve already put a call into Maxim, he’s aware we have Vincenzo. They’ve been in Ireland for the last few days chasing leads on Bell’s. Those leads have dried up, so Maxim, Killian and his men were headed to Greece to deal with some family that André has issues with. Maxim has halted their flight until tonight giving me enough time to fly out there. Vincenzo belongs to Killian. He should be the one to make him bleed. My flight leaves in four hours, I’m gonna go get our brother and bring him home.”
Chapter 34
This damn cast is pissing me off. My arm is hot and itchy, and there isn’t a single thing I can use in this room to ease that itch. In fact, there isn’t a single thing in this room that I can use as a weapon. Believe me I’ve looked. I’ve had nothing else to do but look around. I’ve not been allowed to leave since that day I tried to escape.
I’ve also not seen anyone other than the two goons stationed outside of my door since I found out who had taken me. I knew Liam would be a part of it, but I was a little surprised when I saw his Dad standing by his side. The biggest surprise though was the person on his other side.
I rub my temples as my head begins to pound once again. I’ve been here for thirteen days, and I’ve not slept for the last six nights, that day I found out who was behind this, plays on a continuous loop. The moment I fall asleep I’m greeted by the memory of them walking through the door I wake up minutes later and struggle to get back to sleep.
Hearing the key in the lock I jump off the bed. I’m not due any food yet so whoever is about to enter my room is doing so unscheduled. I swallow and my heart sinks the moment he walks through the door.
“We need to talk Isabella. He looks me up and down, then takes a step toward me. I take a step back from him, my eyes quickly turning to Liam when I hear him chuckle, his long dark hair un-styled and floppy. He’s wearing loose dark jeans and a white t-shirt with a leather jacket, he thinks he has the James Dean look down, but he just looks like a douche. “Bella. Your father would like something from you. As long as you do as you are told you will be safe.”
I scoff then climb back onto the bed, sliding up to the top resting my back on the headboard. “You’re all fucked. And I’m going to enjoy watching my man drain the life from each of you.” I watch as he fails to hide his fear at my words. He swallows the straightens his spine. He looks me up and down again then gives a small shake of his head making his disappointment clear. I watch as he walks around the room stopping in front of the closet. He opens the door then turns to face me. “You have a closet full of respectable items of clothing, yet you chose to wear that. You could of at least made an effort with your hair.”
I scoff as I watch him run his hands over the clothes hanging up. “Why the hell would I dress up or bother doing my hair just to be locked in this fucking room. What the hell do you want from me, Dad?” I spit at him.
He storms over to me before I even realise what’s happening his hand whips through the air, landing a solid slap across my face. My head jerks to the right with the force of the slap. I bring my hand up to my cheek feeling the burn.
I’m so stunned I don’t say anything, I just watch him shake his head as he walks around the room back toward the door. I think for a moment he’s going to leave, but he just opens it and in walks a thin man, light brown shorter on the sides, the tops slicked back. He looks a little uncomfortable being here, but he’s dressed in an all-black suit and a white shirt. My thoughts that he looks like a lawyer are confirmed when he places his briefcase on the dresser and pulls out a tonne of paperwork. He puts it down on the dresser and then places a very expensive-looking pen on top of it.
“What is this?” I wave in the direction of the lawyer and the paperwork he just placed down. Liam smirks at me and then takes a seat on the edge of my bed. A little too close for my liking and I internally shiver when his eyes rake over my body before he moves them over to my father. Following his gaze, my eyes land on my Dad. He closes the door leaning his back against it stopping me from escaping and locking the others in the room with me.
“Isabella. I would like for you to continue to work, but not from the office you will do it from this room. Where everything you do will be monitored and any communication you have with clients will be reviewed to ensure you don’t say or do something stupid.”
I look from my father to Liam and over to the lawyer, I have no idea what is going on and the confusion only seems to be making my headache worse. “I’m sorry, you want me to… wait what?”
“Work Isabella. You’re going to continue to work. But first, I need you to sign over the business and the accounts to me. Mr Romano is a lawyer who works for the Russo’s. He has brought the paperwork required for you to sign everything over…”
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” I scream at him jumping up from the bed and storming toward him, “what the fuck is wrong with you, you want me to continue working while you keep me locked in this fucking room and take all of my money? I really wanted you to have changed, I really wanted for you to be different, but you’re just the same as you always were. You really are a greedy selfish son-of-a-bitch.” I lunge for him, but Liam grabs me, his arms tighten around my chest as I try to break free from him. “Fucking let me go,” I yell but he just laughs and then throws me behind him onto the bed. I land with a bounce. I quickly scramble to try and get up, but he jumps on top of me. Pinning me down. He holds both of my hands in one of his and then grips my chin, squeezing so hard the pain shoots through my face. He leans forward, his breath hot on my face as he stops his lips millimetres from mine.
“You should be fucking grateful that your father is allowing you to work. I wanted to lock you in the basement, chaining you to the wall. I wanted to hear your fucking cries, as me and my father fucked you. I wanted to watch your man break as we sent him videos of you begging us to stop.” I do everything in my power to hold back my tears as he tells me what he wanted to do to me, his voice barely above a whisper. I squeeze my eyes shut regaining whatever strength I can muster, before turning to head enough to look him directly in the eyes. “No matter what you do or try to do to me, I will never give you the satisfaction of hearing me beg. You will never see me cry.” I spit in his face and try to pull from his grasp, but he squeezes harder. He forces my face back to his and then pushes my head into the mattress before climbing off me. I take a second to calm my insides then sit up. But Liam lets a sinister laugh before turning and punching me across my jaw. I fall back onto the bed with the force of the punch. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll sign those papers, Bella.” He throws over his shoulder as he leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.
Chapter 35
“Everything I do. Everything I teach you is to make you into the leader you are destined to be. It’s all to make you into the leader this Syndicate needs. I’m telling you boy. Let that girl go before you fall for her. She doesn’t deserve to be dragged into this life and being with her will only make you weak.”
I run my hands over my face. Every week we have this same discussion and I’m getting tired of it. I look around the office, I hate that it’s so dark in here. Dark panelling on the walls and tinted windows makes me feel like I’m suffocating. I look over at my Da, leaning back in his black highbacked office chair, his fingers tapping on one arm of the chair, while his other hand cradles his glass, resting it on the top of his dark mahogany desk. He’s spent thousands decorating this office, specifically designing it so it was so dark and oppressive. He holds all of his business meetings in here, he knows being in his presence alone makes people feel uncomfortable. And he likes seeing their fear the moment they step into this office.
“Da, look…”
“No, you look. You can’t let yourself get too close to people. You need to keep them at arm’s length. You cannot lead if you are worrying about those around you. Let that woman go and distance yourself from your brothers, they will only get you killed in the end. You have to lead alone.”
I let out a sigh. He fell in love with Ma, he had kids but he’s telling me I can only do this alone. “You’re wrong. I will not lead alone. I will lead with my brothers by my side and Bella on my arm. You think I can’t do it being so close to them, but I can’t lead without them. I am a better leader, I am stronger – we are stronger when we stand together.
Da, I know you want the best for this Syndicate, but I promise when you do step aside to hand over the reins, I will be ready. We will be ready. This Syndicate belongs to all of us. You’re gonna have to learn to trust me one day.”
I see it the moment I say it, the disappointment in his eyes. He down’s his whiskey and then slams his glass down on his desk.