Page 23 of Finding Paradise
“Yeah, yeah, I know; honestly, I’m impressed that you took this week off. I was expecting you to flake out and forfeit the travel cost.” I thought about it, but I was so glad I didn’t. “I hope this new man of yours will keep you from working so much.”
“I can promise you that.” The idea of long nights at the office paled in comparison to spending time with Hayes.
“Well, hallelujah. You better let me meet this miracle worker.”
“Definitely. We’ll set something up soon.” I couldn’t wait to show him off, and a double date with Sarah and her husband Drake sounded lovely.
“Sounds good. Now get off the phone and get back to your man. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yep, see you then.” I clicked off the call and turned from the window, where I was watching people disembark from the ship. None of them looked very happy to be leaving.
Hayes still hadn’t arrived, so I played around on my phone for a few minutes while I waited for him, until a housekeeper poked his head into the room.
“Oh…you’re still here,” he said in surprise.
“I’m sorry, I was waiting for someone, but I’ll get out of your way.” This ship was leaving on another cruise in a few hours, so I knew the crew would be working hard to prepare it for the group of new guests.
“Thank you, sir. Have a good day,” he told me with a smile as I pulled my luggage into the hallway.
“You as well.”
I wondered if perhaps Hayes had gotten mixed up, and was waiting at his room for me instead, so I took the stairs down several floors to his hallway. But when I reached his cabin, the only person I found was a young lady changing the sheets on his unused bed.
The only explanation I could think of was that Hayes wanted to be courteous to the housekeeper as well, and moved onto the lobby, which was the only exit point of the ship. But when I arrived there, he was still nowhere to be found.
Utterly confused, I looked all around the room for any sign of him, my eyes darting from person to person, but not finding his handsome face. When my gaze landed on the exit door, I saw a familiar form stepping through it. I’d know that ass anywhere.
“Hayes!” I called out, and my man’s shoulders flinched, but he didn’t turn around. He only walked faster towards the ramp.
What the hell? He heard me; why didn’t he stop? It was at that moment that I realized I had no way of contacting him; we hadn’t exchanged phone numbers because I didn’t keep my phone on me during the trip since I didn’t have service anyway. I planned on getting his information once we were back on the mainland.
My only option was to catch up with him, but that meant impatiently waiting in the line of people leaving the ship. The crew members had to scan everyone’s room key to make sure nobody was left behind, and it took entirely too long.
When I finally made it to the ramp, my pudgy ass took off in a sprint. I made it about six steps before I was winded, but I didn’t care. I pushed on, desperate to get to Hayes. I didn’t know what was happening, or why he was putting space between us, but I needed answers. I needed him.
I saw him in the distance, and shouted his name to no avail. I didn’t take my eyes off of him as I tailed him through the terminal. Through a window, I watched him climb into a taxi, and I shamelessly elbowed my way through the crowd until I made it outside and into a cab of my own.
I slammed the door behind me and exclaimed breathlessly and dramatically, “Follow that taxi!”
The driver slowly panned his head around to give me an unimpressed glare. “Yeah, that’s not how this works. I need a destination.”
“Oh.” I could only think of one place where Hayes would be headed, so I told the driver, “To the airport, please.” I gave him my airline information as I tried to catch my breath, and he pulled away from the curb.
During the drive, I searched my brain for any clues as to why Hayes would be avoiding me. But I came up with nothing; we’d had such an amazing time together, that very morning included. He’d fucked my brains out and then gave me a tender kiss before he left my room to pack. It didn’t feel like a goodbye kiss.
I was a panicked, miserable wreck by the time we reached the airport. The driver told me what I owed him, and I tossed my fare and tip over the seat to him. I barrelled out of the car and pulled my clunky suitcase behind me as I ran inside the terminal.