Page 24 of Finding Paradise
I bolted as fast as I could, trying to ignore all of the people passing me, even though they were only walking. The bastards. But luckily, I saw my beautiful man ahead of me. My feet slapped the ground and my lungs burned as I moved with everything I had, reaching him before the security gate.
Unable to speak, I cupped my hand on his shoulder and spun him around to face me. My heart sank into my stomach when I saw that his eyes were bloodshot and watery, and his pretty face was blotchy.
I gasped, drawing enough air into my lungs to ask, “Hayes, what’s wrong? What happened?” I wanted to do anything I could to make things better for him.
He shrugged my hand off of his shoulder and whispered, “Stop it, Jesse; just leave me alone.”
That was one thing I wouldn’t, couldn’t do. “What’s going on? What did I do?” It wasn’t a huge surprise that I’d somehow managed to fuck up this wonderful thing, but I certainly hadn’t done it on purpose, and just needed to know how to fix it.
“I heard you on the phone,” he replied, but I was still clueless, so I shook my head and he sighed. “I came to your room when I was done packing and I overheard you telling someone that you’d like to spend time with me, but that it wasn’t ‘in the cards’, and that you don’t make commitments.”
It instantly made sense why he was upset, but he’d gotten the situation so wrong. “Hayes, no, I-”
“Stop,” he bit back. “Don’t lie to me; I heard you. I thought we had something so special, but you played me. You used me.”
“I would never do that.”
Hayes rolled his eyes and tried to step around me, but I blocked his way. “Please listen to me. Yes, I said that, but it didn’t mean what you think. I was talking to my assistant Sarah, the one who booked me on this trip. If you had arrived a minute earlier, you would have heard me telling her about you and how wonderful you are; how we were made for each other. She teased me by saying that you and I should just hop on another cruise immediately, and I said that unfortunately wasn’t possible. I didn’t mean I couldn’t commit to our relationship; I meant I couldn’t commit to time away from work.”
Hayes sniffed his nose and it took a moment for him to answer, “Really?”
“Yes!” I exclaimed, desperate for him to believe me. “Honey, if I didn’t want you, why would I chase after you? All of this-” I waved my hand down my body, “Doesn’t run unless it’s important. And you are the most important thing in this world to me.”
“You mean it?”
“Of course I do.” My body sagged in relief when he stepped closer to me and allowed me to wrap him in my arms. I probably squeezed him much too tightly, but Hayes didn’t complain; he just hugged me back even tighter.
“I’m sorry I ran off. I was just so hurt; I thought you didn’t want me.”
“That could never be true,” I assured him, caressing my hands up and down his back. “I always want you. Besides, you owe me a Disney night.” It was music to my ears when Hayes gave a small chuckle. “Just please never run away again. You can talk to me about anything.”
He backed away to give me a precious smile. “I promise I’ll talk to you about everything, and I’ll try not to jump to conclusions.”
Although it felt like we’d been together forever, the truth was, this was still a new relationship and we had a lot to learn about how the other person operated. It would take time to learn each other’s quirks and mannerisms, but that was part of the fun. I was all in, and excited for every step.
“Well, there’s something I need to talk to you about,” I admitted as my heart beat faster. Hayes’ expression grew nervous, but he nodded. “If I had told you sooner, maybe all of this could have been avoided, but I was nervous. I was worried that it was too much, too soon, but I want to be honest with you. I love you, Hayes. I think I started falling for you the moment we met, and every moment after that made me fall deeper. I know it’s fast, but I know it’s true. I can’t wait to learn everything about you, and experience life together.”
“Oh, Jesse.” He wrapped me in another bone crushing hug. “I love you too.” My heart took flight, and I half expected my feet to leave the ground. “That’s why it hurt so badly when I thought…” He shook his head. “That doesn't matter. We love each other; that’s what matters. And I want to experience everything with you; I don’t care if it’s vacation, quiet nights at home, or anything in between. I just want to be with you.”