Page 84 of Hold Me Forever
“God, I’m such a mess,” I sigh. “I’m sorry, guys. I should’ve done better than that.”
“You’re a mess because you love us,” Clay says. “And you loveher. Admit it, Robson Chase Hartley.”
The Three Musketeers are back. I just need to bring in Amber-Rose to complete me. I love her. Just by admitting it, I can see clearly. This afternoon at Amber The Mender, her eyes were begging me to understand something. She wasn’t lying to me. She’s simply afraid of…something, which she was going to tell me about.
Whatever it is, I’m prepared to face it head-on. I can’t afford to lose her.
I need her.
I love her.
I was vomiting all night. The rotten odor wouldn’t clear from my nose. Rob called again last night, but I was in no state to talk to him. His voice on the message he left was concerned, but I simply had no strength to even press the button to answer. The thought that Aidan is watching us has incapacitated me and put my vocal cords in knots, so I simply replied with a text saying I was okay and that I would call him.
The police sent me a photo of the person who ‘pranked’ me. Aidan might look different these days, he might’ve bulked up like that man in the photo, but one thing is for sure—he couldn’t have shrunk in height. The man who sent the package was wearing a hoodie, concealing his face, but he’s definitely not my ex. However, there’s still a possibility that he’s Aidan’s accomplice.
I stay home this morning. Right now I’m sending apology emails to my customers who were due to pick up their orders today. Dolls and teddies are my best escape, but right now, nothing can be my escape—except Rob.
Having pulled myself together, I pick up my phone and call. Just hearing him exhaling, I know he’s glad it’s me.
“Amber-Rose, how are you?” The silvery voice of Rob Hartley seeps through my senses.
“I’m okay, sort of. I’m sorry I didn’t call you back last night. I wasn’t feeling well.”
“That’s fine. You needed to rest, I called you pretty late.” He suppresses a whimper, as if something has just hit his gut.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” Then he gulps. “I miss you.”
It pains me not having him around. “I miss you too. Why don’t you come for dinner tonight? At my place? Mama is going to make her world-famous gnocchi.”
I think he’ll jump at the chance, but he pauses. After a moment he answers, “Of course, that sounds great.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I am. I can’t wait to see you again.”
“See me again, or have Mama’s coffee?” I banter.
“You.” It’s emphatic, but there’s weariness in his tone.
I wait a moment, feeling him out and bracing myself. “Rob, about what I said yesterday. I do have something to tell you.”
“Please tell me.”
“I have to tell you face to face.”
“Does it have anything to do with the roses?”
I halt my breath. “Yes.”
There’s a short pause, and I imagine Rob nodding at the other end of the line. “Alright. I’ll see you tonight, then.”