Page 85 of Hold Me Forever
We end the call. My heartbeat shoots up, but I can’t ignore Rob’s voice just now. He sounded like he was in pain, but maybe he was just sensing bad news.
Before I can tell Mama that Rob is coming, an email pops up in my inbox. It catches my attention, but it’s got nothing to do with its spammy appearance. Something tells me I need to check it out. It’s from a group called California Spies.
Amber, we thought you might be interested in this.
It’s an article, and when I read the headline, my heart sinks.
Karolina: pregnant and single.
According to the article, which was dated about six months ago, she and Rob moved to Switzerland in a hurry. And apparently, after a hush-hush breakup, Karolina stayed while Rob went back to California. So Matty was right when he told me that he never saw Lina again after they went to Switzerland.
Rob got her pregnant? And dumped her?
Did Rob force her to move to Switzerland to hide her? What happened to the baby?
The revelation prompts me to embark on a search mission. But even after my eyes are popping out, I can’t seem to find an answer. No facts, just ‘maybes,’ ones that pose even more questions. Some say she terminated the baby, other sources say she and the baby went back to Russia. Still more say she married a Swiss tycoon, and they live in a secluded area near the Alps.
Who the hell sent me the email? I catch up on gossip, but I never signed up for anything.
“Why do you keep looking at that Russian woman?” Mama suddenly turns up behind me.
“It’s nothing!”
Mama closes the browser and swivels me in my chair. “I know you love him, Rosa. Stop denying it.”
“I’m not denying it, Mama. I love him. But what if he has another love?”
“You can search the whole world for the truth, but only your heart knows.” Mama taps at my chest, and then leaves.
With that, my heart stops. Mama isn’t just all about stubbornness. She is wise, too, as wise as my Papa.
I don’t need any outsiders’ views. I see Rob—plain and unobstructed, inviting me to look into his eyes, into his soul. He’s a formidable man, yet he has a heart that gives—to a girl with leukemia, to the sick children he never knew, to his brothers, and to me.
There’s got to be an explanation for Lina. I’m going to tell Rob everything, and I hope he’ll return the favor.
My cell buzzes. Seeing an unknown number, my hair stands on end, but I answer it.
“Amber, it’s Clay.”
I let out a huff of relief. “Clayton Hartley. What can I do for you?”
“That’s a loud huff.” I can see his wide grin just by the way he says it. “You’re happy that it’s me, and not Rob?”
“I’m happy to receive a call from any Hartley.”
“First, I have to come clean. I eavesdropped on your conversation with Rob just now.”
“Well, in my defense, I’m doing it for him. That’s what brothers do. Look—Rob, um, he… he didn’t tell you, but I will. Because he needs you here. We need you here.”
“What happened, Clay?”
“He was in a car accident.”
“What? When?”