Page 62 of The CEO's Baby
“I spoke with McIntyre on Friday. He’s going to ease off a bit. I’ve known him for years, but never worked with him directly before. He’ll be an asset.”
Cath showed her skepticism.
“If not, he’s history.”
“The ruthless businessman.”
“I have a short time to show what I can do. I can’t afford any screw ups.”
She sighed softly. “I felt that way. But life has a way of throwing curves.”
“Sometimes things happen we don’t foresee, but that doesn’t make them bad.”
He had a feeling she was growing more distant. He had offered marriage and she turned him down. He couldn’t believe he’d done so. But as he relaxed in her apartment, he realized they could possibly be comfortable together. He enjoyed her company. Was attracted to her in ways he’d never been with another woman. And they had common business interests.
The perfect match.
Yet she’d said no.
Maybe he should try again.
The thought shocked him.
He wasn’t planning to marry. He’d done that, been burned badly. He had his own goals and plans. Marriage involved time with a wife, commitments that would take precedence over work.
Wouldn’t having a child do that anyway? There’d be school plays and teacher conferences, sports games and birthday parties. He remembered the first and only birthday party he’d spent with Zach. Cynthia had insisted on chocolate cake and Zach had smeared it all over, in his hair, on his clothes, and over every inch of his face. The memory brought amusement. And only a small ache.
“What are you smiling about?” Cath asked.
He was surprised to find he could talk about the baby he’d thought was his without the clutching pain in his heart. He told her about that birthday. And other special days with the boy.
“Did you ever try to find him? See if he’s all right?” she asked.
“Once. About eight years ago. Couldn’t find any trace of them. I think they moved out of state. It’s a big country to try to find anyone in.”
“I’m sure he’s happy and doing well,” she said.
“I hope so. Cynthia was a good mother, she just wasn’t a good wife.”
Cath would make a good wife. If she made a commitment, she stuck to it to the best of her ability.
Once again he thought about living with Cath. Sharing child care responsibilities, watching their baby develop stage by stage. He wondered what he could offer that would make Cath accept.
After dinner, they took coffee and tea and moved to the sofa.
“Want to watch that movie?” he asked.
“Do you?”
She told him the name and looked as if she were trying to gauge his reaction.
“It’s a classic. Let’s watch it. Unless you’d rather watch alone?”
“No, except expect tears near the end. I always cry.”
He was intrigued. She seemed in control all the time. It was an interesting insight—that she cried at movies.
They sat side by side on the sofa, Trace pulling her close, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. His thigh was against hers. He could feel the heat from her body warming his. Trying to concentrate on the story and not Cath, he was torn.