Page 63 of The CEO's Baby
She was too potent. They could have many evenings like this if she’d marry him.
At one of the commercial breaks, he kissed her. By the start of surprise he knew he’d caught her off guard. The thought annoyed him. Why would she think he wasn’t still attracted. They’d hit it off instantly last summer.
“This is nice,” he said a minute later.
“Mmm,” she agreed, a dreamy smile on her face.
“Marry me, Cath.”
“What?” She sat upright and looked at him in shock.
“We’d be good together. You need a larger place when the baby comes. I want to be a part of that baby’s life, not some weekend dad. We have lots in common.”
“Trace, you asked me once before and I said no. What part of no didn’t you understand? I’m not marrying you because we are having a baby.”
“Why don’t you want to get married? Wouldn’t it be easier to have two parents around to watch the child than one?”
“One day I do want to get married. It just takes some getting used to. Ever since Jason I’ve thought I wouldn’t marry. He’d have to be pretty special.”
Which put him in his place. He wasn’t special enough for Cath.
Trace rose.
“I’m going to head out.”
She stood up and looked worried.
“Don’t leave because I said no.”
“You’ve made it clear now twice that marriage isn’t what you want. I’m sorry to be a pest.”
He lifted his jacket from where he’d left it and walked to the door. Cath was right beside him.
She reached out, touching his arm, as if to hold him in place.
“Marriage isn’t something you jump into because there’s a baby.”
“I’ve been married, Cath, I know what it entails.”
He could tell she wanted to say something, but she bit it back and shook her head sadly.
“I’m sorry.”
“Thanks for dinner and the book.”
He wanted to pull her into his arms, kiss her until she changed her mind, then take her to bed and have a new favorite Christmas. But it wasn’t going to happen.
“Thank you for the bracelet.”
She was always polite.
Trace walked down the stairs, trying to burn off some of his frustration. He had to come to terms with her rejection and still maintain a friendship.
No more kisses.
The thought almost had him turn around and renegotiate their arrangement. He should have included that in the legal agreement they’d signed.
Maybe once the baby was born, she’d see the advantages.