Page 73 of Forever & Always
“Just a second, Alan. I need to get that.”
“It’s almost midnight. Who calls that late?”
Knowing the answer, I rushed into the bathroom to grab my phone and answer it without responding to the man in the living room.
“Hello?” Instinctively, I turned my back against the living area, hoping to shield my words from Alan.
“I’m outside. Can you let me in?” That amazing, familiar voice I loved had just turned my lousy night into gold.
A smile split my face and my heart started to soar.
“Yes. Hang on!” Excitement replaced the trepidation I’d felt less than thirty seconds before.
My fingers couldn’t work fast enough as I opened the app and buzz open the door to my building.
I realized that I had the problem of Alan to deal with, but I was so happy I could barely contain my excitement.
“What’s going on?” Alan asked.
“Dylan is here!” I said, laughing before I ran to the door to my apartment and flung it open to see that beautiful face, disarming smile, and dark blue eyes I adored.
“Greeaaattt,” Alan muttered behind me.
“Surprise!” Dylan dropped a duffle bag and opened his arms.
I flew into them as if we’d never argued, and he closed them gloriously around me and lifted me off the floor. Suddenly every bad emotion I was feeling earlier vanished. I returned his tight embrace and felt him kiss the side of my face and it was all I could do not to turn to find his mouth with mine. That familiar scent… I inhaled deeply. A mix of his skin, cologne, and spicy soap.
Alan cleared his throat behind us, and Dylan set me back on my feet, then backed away, letting me go. I instantly reached for both of his hands with mine. I didn’t want him to retreat.
“Come in. We just finished dinner,” I said in way of explanation. Dylan’s eyes narrowed as he looked past me at the man sitting in the background.
“I should have called.” I could physically feel him withdraw, but I pulled on his hands gently bringing him a few feet inside. I implored him with my eyes.
“No,” I shook my head and spoke softly. “I’m really glad you’re here. Come in.”
Coming to Memphis to surprise Remi seemed like a good idea until I saw Alan sitting in her living room as if he owned the place. I’d wanted to kick myself for just showing up at her door.
I made the trip because I’d felt uneasy since she abruptly ended our call last time we Facetimed, and I wanted to fix it. I couldn’t leave the misunderstanding between us; she was too important. We’d texted in the time since, but still were yet to speak on the phone or do another video. Not that I hadn’t wanted to, but I felt this conversation needed to be in person. I’d been counting down the days until I had a break from training, and I was able to sneak away for a couple of days.
I’d never considered he’d be at her apartment this late, but now standing here in the entry way with her tugging on my hands to invite me in, I hesitated when I saw him on the sofa behind her. I realized how dumb I was to think that she’d be alone late on a Friday night.
To say it was awkward was an understatement. She pulled me a couple of steps further inside. “I should have called,” I said again. “I can go and call you tomorrow.” I half turned toward the open door, but she held me where I was.
I fidgeted in front of Remi, the fresh scent of her shampoo wafting up into my nostrils. Her long, dark hair was damp so she must have recently showered. The shower and Remi were something I fantasized about often in the time since our cabin encounter. I couldn’t take my eyes off her; the beautiful eyes and ripe, luscious lips beckoning. There was also a tenderness that rose inside me every time I saw her. My heart squeezed inside my chest and my hands ached to touch her.
“It’s okay,” she said softly, looking up at me with those brilliant green eyes. I wished I could kiss her, but instead squeezed her hands. “Please?”
“Okay; if you’re sure.” I watched her face intently to try to see if she was just trying to be nice or if she really was glad to see me.
I was torn. I wanted to be near Remi, but not with Alan in the same room, even in the same building or on the same block. Before he was just a figment of my imagination that could be easily foiled, but now I saw with my own eyes that he was part of her life and it sickened me.
“I’m sure!” she said brightly and turned, still holding one of my hands and leading me, the remainder of the way, into her apartment after she’d pushed the door closed.
“Alan, this is Dylan. Dylan, Alan.” She introduced us as if it were an afterthought.
But it was a big deal to me. My eyes took him in, assessing who I deemed my biggest competition, and I knew he was doing the same. He was maybe two inches shorter than me, and super skinny, with short auburn hair that was cut in a modern style; longer on top that didn’t quite fit with his plaid button down and khakis. Normally, I wouldn’t think twice about his chances against me, but he had a big brain and that’s what must have attracted her.