Page 74 of Forever & Always
I offered my hand because it was the polite thing to do. “Nice to meet you,” I murmured quietly.
Alan hesitated, but just for a second. He then rose from the couch to take my hand and shook it; his grip unnaturally firm and it was hard to hide my amusement at the absurdity.
“You, too. I’ve heard about you,” he said with narrowed eyes. Outwardly, we were cordial, but there was an undercurrent of acrimony that we were both aware of. I understood his unspoken warning; it was clear that she’d told him about our road trip and what happened at the ranch.
One brow arched. “Likewise,” I replied.
“Come on and sit down,” Remi urged, but I noticed the remnants of what smelled of curry; the bags and half empty containers still sitting on the table. Alan took a position in the center of the sofa, making sure there was no room for both Remi and me; an unsubtle ploy to keep me away from her. It was all I could do not to roll my eyes at his immaturity, but I took the nearby chair, releasing Remi’s hand.
“Would you like a beer?” she asked, still standing in front of the coffee table. Her face was glowing; so naturally gorgeous. “We just finished eating but there is plenty of food left if you’re hungry. I can make you a plate.”
The stream of silent animosity from Alan was emphasized by his glare, but I dismissed it and glanced pleasantly up at Remi, elated that she seemed to be over our little tiff. “Sure. Sounds good. Thanks.”
“Great!” She began gathering up the containers. “It’s gotten cold, so just give me a second to heat everything up.”
“You know I can eat anything cold,” I said.
There were many times in the past when she’d seen me eat cold take out or leftover pizza that had been ordered late after a night of clubbing. She knew I wasn’t picky. “You don’t have to go to any trouble,” I emphasized. The truth was, I knew that the minute she left the room the silence would boom, and I dreaded it.
She huffed and her face twisted wryly. “Please, Dylan, you hate cold curry. Everything else, sure… not Indian. I remember!” She looked as happy to see me as I was to be here, and my heart soared.
My mouth twitched in amusement as she rushed from the room into the kitchen in what were essentially her pajamas. I was unable to contain my joy as I grinned. Remi knew me too well and it was evident to my adversary. I sat back in the chair glancing at the TV, but acutely aware of the other man’s eyes boring into me. My eyes darted from the TV to his. “So… you’re in medical school with Remi?”
He used a napkin to wipe his fingers. “Yes, I’mwithRemi.”
I snorted and my brow dropped in a wry frown. “Look man, you don’t need to piss on her… I know she’s seeing you.”
“Then, please remind me why are you here?” he demanded quietly.
“It should be obvious. To see Remi,” I said blandly.
The microwave was running in the kitchen so maybe it would only be a couple more minutes to endure his ire.
“No shit, but why?” he commanded more forcefully.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but she was upset, and I wanted to check on her.”
He bristled. “So, you show up after eleven o’clock at night?”
“That’s right,” I said calmly. “It was the soonest I could get here. I hopped a flight after a late practice.” I knew he felt threatened by me, but I didn’t give a damn. If anything, his display of displeasure only made me more certain I’d done the right thing by coming to Memphis. “What’s it to you?” I was getting irritated by the hostile inquisition.
“Look, you shouldn’t have come. She is just getting over the last time she saw you, and that was almost a year ago,” he sneered. “Stop jerking her around and let her move on with her life. Let her be with someone who will always be here for her. All you do is cause her pain.”
“I know how long it’s been since I’ve seen her, believe me, and you don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said stoically, but acutely aware that Remi may have told him private things that I’d rather she kept between us. “I care about her more than anyone, least of all you. That said, I’ll reiterate that I just wanted to make sure she’s okay. So, down boy,” I dismissed blandly. “Don’t get your panties in a wad.”
Alan’s face was turning red as his anger rose. “I’m what she needs. Someone stable with similar interests. Not some hotshot soccer star who runs all over the globe and can’t keep it in his pants.”
I almost laughed at how pathetic and desperate he sounded. “Leave my pants out of this,” I said with a cocky smirk, glancing toward the kitchen. I could tell by the previous noises of silverware clanking on a stoneware plate that Remi had dished up the food and would be back any second.
Leaning forward, I made sure he could hear my low words, but she wouldn’t. “I know her better than anyone and I’ll take care of her; as I’ve always done.” The predator in me couldn’t resist the next words. “She’s mine. She knows it, I know it, and I suspect you do, too. It’s for fuckinglife.” My eyes bore into his light grey ones.
Alan flushed rapidly; the heat of embarrassment filling his face from his neck up. “We’ll see about that,” he spat.
“I agree,” I said with calm confidence and a slight shrug. “We will.”
I smiled at Remi as she re-entered the room carrying a plate in each hand and holding a bottle of beer against her ribcage with the elbow of her left arm. I stood up to reach for one of the plates and the beer so she wouldn’t drop it. “Thanks, honey. It smells good and I’m hungrier than I thought.” The plate was filled with yellow curry, rice, and chicken vindaloo.
I sat on the floor in front of the chair I’d just vacated while Remi set the second plate with a full Naan bread on it, next to the other on the table. She positioned herself across from me on the floor, though Alan didn’t move to one side of the sofa to give her the space she needed at the square table.