Page 75 of Forever & Always
What a dick, I thought, ripping off a piece of the bread and using it to grab some of the chicken, my eyes rising to meet Remi’s.
“Remi, do you want a beer this time?” Alan asked, as he stood to walk into the kitchen.
“Not really, Alan.” She yawned. “It’s been a long week. I’ll have another water, thanks.”
“Alcohol makes her sleepy,” I told him. “She’s already beat.” Maybe it wasn’t my place to say it, but by the look on Alan’s face, I hit the target. He shot me a dirty look, after I pointed out that I knew her through and through.
The food was delicious, and I concentrated on eating so I wouldn’t interrupt their interaction, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t listening to every word. His offer of getting her a beer grated on me because that would mean I’d have to endure him while he drank another and suggested a familiarity that I found annoying. Knowing it in advance didn’t prepare me for how evidence of it would make me feel.
“Oh.” His voice seemed strained. “Well, is it okay if I have one while Dylan finishes his meal?”
“Sure,” she said, offhandedly. She was sitting a way that allowed her to lean back against the sofa, her bent arm resting on her knee and hand supporting her head. She was studying me as he went to get his beverage. She did look tired. She was thinner and the skin over her clavicle bones was translucent.
I wished she was next to me, that her head was on my shoulder, or she was leaning on me instead of the couch. “Sorry,” I mouthed without actual sound. Our eyes connected and I knew she understood. She offered a slight nod.
Her eyes flashed burned into mine communicating that it was okay. I wanted so badly to take her in my arms and kiss her stupid. More than that, I wanted to make love with her all night. It was a good thing I was sitting with my legs and lap under the table’s edge, so it hid my body’s reaction. Even tired with damp hair, she was still the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, and while I desired her like I never had another woman, I also felt an intense tenderness and protectiveness toward her I had since we were kids.
When Alan returned with his beer and sat on the sofa next to her, he was once again in the middle, pressing his lower leg up against her side, his knee at her shoulder.
Remi shifted slightly away, but the table leg would only allow her so much distance, as her legs were folded akimbo beneath it. I badly wanted to tell him to give her some space but kept silent.
“Where are you staying, Dylan? Maybe I can give you a ride so we can let Remi go to bed. When you’re finished eating, of course.” Alan’s tone was measured but his eyes were like steel. He wasn’t going to get rid of me that easily. I knew for a fact; Remi wouldn’t let me leave.
I reached for my beer. “I haven’t given it much thought, but I can get an Uber to a nearby hotel.” I just wanted this bonehead to disappear. He might be smart, but he had the personality of a wet rag. “Don’t bother yourself.”
“No, you’re not staying at a hotel. My couch is comfy,” Remi said with a small smile, and I couldn’t help the grin that appeared on my face. I wasn’t assuming I’d be sleeping in the bed with her, because we needed to talk first, but I was hopeful.
“I remember,” I said, unable to stifle the dig at the other man.
“Uh,” Alan began to protest. “Do you think that’s a good idea, Remi?”
Remi’s lips lifted in a small smile then she looked over her shoulder at him and rolled her eyes. “It’sDylan. He doesn’t need to get a hotel, Alan. We’ve known each other since we were six years old.”
“Well, I don’t think it’s appropriate,” he sputtered. “He can stay on my couch.”
I couldn’t help myself; a laugh burst from me. “Thanks, but I can find a hotel, if you’re so worried.”
“No, Dylan,” Remi said, shaking her head. “You can stay here. I won’t have you running around looking for a hotel at this time of night.”
Alan was stiff as concrete, and suppressing the words I knew would expose his displeasure.
Remi noticed that I was almost finished with my dinner and my beer was empty.
“I’ll grab a quilt and some pillows,” she said before getting up and leaving the room, maneuvering around Alan.
“Can I have that fluffy one Roma made for you? It’s so comfy.”
She laughed. “Yes.”
Once she was out of the room, he took the opportunity to stand and tower over me. A small laugh burst from me. He really was ridiculous.
“I don’t want you staying here with her,” Alan admonished.
“Too bad. It’s obviously what she wants. I told you… we’re for life. I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. Ultimately, Remi’s in the driver’s seat, but even if she iswith you, I’m not going away, so you better get used to me.”
He stood with his mouth falling open, then closing it; his lips pressing into an irritated line.
I quietly gathered up the dishes, walked around him, and took them into her kitchen leaving him standing, stiff and furious, where he was.