Page 64 of The Vampire Oath
He presses a hand over mine as he guides the horse forward. “The heart has a way of overriding the brain. It is an unfortunate side effect of being in love. Especially when they are suffering or in danger.”
I’ve been thinking about this all wrong. How many years had I spent perched in a tree waiting for some small animal to wander by? How many times did I keep trying when my arrow missed, until I was able to catch something for that night’s stew?
This isn’t so different. I will wait for my moment and make my move when the time is right.
As much as it pains me to see Alaric under Elizabeth’s control, I must tread carefully.
“The moon is nearly full,” Lawrence remarks, bringing his horse up alongside ours. The strange comment pulls me from my thoughts.
“In three nights,” Casius agrees. “That is a good sign.”
“Yes,” I say dryly. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen one… at least a month.”
Lawrence snorts. “How you can be involved with vampires and know so little is beyond me.”
Before I can offer a scathing retort, Cassius interjects, “With the coronation coming up, the queen will throw a Red Hunt.”
The name alone sends a chill down my spine. “What is that?” I ask, not sure I want to know any details.
“On the first night of a full moon preceding an event, Elizabeth takes the ladies of her court and leads them in a hunt from sunset to sunrise,” Cassius says.
Lawrence draws up level with me. “I’m sure you can figure out where the Red Hunt got its name.”
“The city won’t expect another one so soon after the solstice.” Della remarks from Lawrence’s other side.
“It is unfortunate for them,” Cassius murmurs. “However, it will provide us with the opportunity we need.”
My hold on him tightens.
* * *
The sun rises an hour into our ride, gilding the castle. We near the edge of town, and I hold my breath in an attempt to rein in my excitement.
“Calm,” Cassius says as if he can read my mind. “We are almost there.”
Skirting the city, we enter from one of the many side roads and stick to the outer edge. After a while, angle in toward one of the impressive manors clustered in the area.
We enter through the wrought iron gates of the manor and are greeted by a butler. He takes the reins while we dismount, then leads the horse away without a word. Della and Lawrence agree to meet us back here in three hours then leave to feed properly.
Cassius slips his hand into mine then leads me through the halls. I gape at the ostentatious interior. Yards and yards of fabric cover the windows in whites and golds. The floors are a dark, polished hardwood with thick carpet that I sink into with every step. And there isn’t a single wall without a stunning piece of art.
Passing the drawing room, I crane my neck to peek inside. With so much furniture crammed inside the room, there’s little space left to navigate.
Cassius continues to guide me through the halls and up to the second floor. Thick material winds around the banister of the stairs. Not an inch of this place is undecorated or plain. Even the molding has intricate designs carved into the wood.
It isn’t until we enter a masculine bedroom decorated with dark wood and rich green fabrics with silver accents, that I even think to question where he’s taking me.
“Why are we in your bedroom?” I cringe inwardly at the high pitch of my voice.
Cassius releases my hand and strides across the room to a door on the far side. He jerks his head, motioning for me to go in. “Bathe and I will return shortly. Help yourself to whatever you need.”
Half an hour later, bubbles slowly leak from my mouth, then all at once as I empty my lungs. I break the surface of the water, gasping for air and lean back against the side of the tub, pushing my hair off my face.
The hot water feels good on my sore muscles. It would be easy to fall asleep if I didn’t think Cassius might barge through the door if I take too long.
Grabbing the towel beside the tub, I quickly dry off before wrapping myself and wringing the excess water from my hair. I pad over to the door and open it just wide enough to peek out. Cool air rushes in, sending goosebumps racing along my skin.
“Cassius?” I call out.